NBA: No. 1 Forward

Chapter 9: If you want to have it, you have to pay first

Lian Dao sighed a little, because the strength training effect 4 times bonus card is only 24 hours, he usually turns off the bonus card for technical strength training, and he is not willing to waste a little time.

At the same time, while doing strength training, I didn\'t forget to connect other skills.

Get up at five o\'clock in the morning to stand up and practice boxing. After six o\'clock, you will start the special training of the day according to the plan.

Lian Dao has formulated five special trainings for himself according to his physical condition and existing conditions.

The first is dribbling, which is a basic skill and a must-have skill for a small forward. Dribbling with left and right hands, changing directions in front of the body and under the crotch are the most practical and commonly used, while changing directions behind and turning around are killer features. It can provide opportunities for your next breakthrough.

Second, speed. With the support of basic skills and the assistance of speed, it is very easy to get rid of the enemy\'s defense. There is no skill at all in this, only hard work. It is very simple to practice good speed, 50-meter sprint, 100-meter sprint, 200-meter sprint, leapfrog, a lot of repeated exercises every day! There is no shortcut to this.

Third, outside shooting, because I still don\'t have the mid-range shooting and low-post scoring ability, so I need to practice the outside scoring to the extreme. A lot of three-point training every day is essential. Open three-pointers, defensive three-pointers, and three-pointers when physically exhausted, all of which require a lot of practice to form muscle memory, so that even in the face of tough defense , the shot will not be deformed, the force will be more stable, and it will be easier to score.

Fourth, explosive power, explosive power is very helpful for breakthroughs and outside rebounds at critical moments. It is very important to practice explosive emotions well. It is necessary to have the spirit of daring to fight and grab, so that you can be excited at critical moments. In order to improve explosive power, super isometric contraction is currently considered by the academic community to be the best training method for explosive power. This is a training method to improve the explosive power of lower limb muscles proposed by Soviet biomechanics in 1968. It was introduced to the United States in 1975 and has been widely used by the American sports community.

It means: in the stage of buffering and braking, the muscle fibers are elongated, and then immediately continue to contract quickly and powerfully.

By using the harness to reduce the pressure of your body weight on the leg during the extension, this can increase the speed of the breakthrough. There are also weight-bearing resistance exercises; jumping exercises; deep jumping exercises are also the fastest way to improve explosive power. Generally, these three types of training are practiced in the swimming pool later, so as to reduce the impact force of the ground and the eccentricity during super isometric contraction. load. But now Lian Dao doesn\'t have so much time, so it can only be done on the ground.

Fifth, strength, strength is the foundation of all skills, and is divided into upper body strength, lower body strength and core strength. Lower body strength and core strength are the basis of explosive power. A lot of training such as squats, deadlifts, and presses every day can quickly improve core strength.

It takes about twelve hours to complete all these trainings, and there are four hours of rest in between, so it takes about sixteen hours including the meal and rest.

At that time, the coaching staff saw Lian Dao\'s training plan and thought he was crazy, thinking that it was "suicide training". Don\'t think he can hold on.

Lian Dao insisted on training according to his plan for seven consecutive days, and the coaching staff was stunned.

Finally, on the eighth day, Tim stopped Lian Dao\'s training and talked to Lian Dao in person. He appreciated Lian Dao\'s hardworking attitude very much.

Tim always believes that talent determines a person\'s lower limit, and hard work determines a person\'s upper limit. Talent is important, but more importantly, hard work. He has seen too many talented players fall to the bottom because of the depravity in life. I have also seen a lot of mediocre talents but become excellent players through hard work.

However, Lian Dao\'s training method is not training in his opinion, it is almost tantamount to suicide. Tim believes that this training method will cause great harm to the body.

In fact, if Lian Dao hadn\'t trained the physical recovery liquid, he wouldn\'t dare to train like this. After the first day of Lian Dao\'s training, his muscles were sore all over his body. Lian Dao knew that this was about to reach the limit of his body. But after taking the stamina recovery liquid, the mental and physical state returned to the best in an instant.

In this way, with the assistance of the recovery fluid, the body can adapt to this state.

That\'s why Lian Dao dared to train so desperately.

Lian Dao was also very moved by Tim and the coaching staff\'s concern, but he still explained to Tim. He said that he has a special physique, and after training, he can recover after a short sleep.

Tim thought that he was full of energy when he came to the training hall these mornings, so he couldn\'t help but relax a little bit of worry, but he still asked him to go to Bob\'s place for a detailed inspection. Otherwise, Lian Dao is not allowed to carry out the following training plan.

Lian Dao felt angry and touched by this, seeing that he couldn\'t resist Tim, so he went to the physical coach Bob for a comprehensive physical examination.

Oh, by the way, Bob is not only the team\'s physical trainer, but also the team\'s physical therapist.

But Bob held Lian Dao\'s inspection report in his hand, and Elianda couldn\'t believe it, because he found that Lian Dao\'s body not only had no facial problems, but also all physical indicators were growing rapidly. This made Bob very interested in Lian Dao\'s body.

His eyes lit up when he looked at Lian Dao, as if seeing something incredible. I want to know more about his internal structure.

Seeing his eyes, Lian Dao ran away in fright.

It\'s just that he didn\'t see it. Bob looked at him running away full of pity, as if his beloved had run away.

If Lian Dao saw it, he would definitely run faster.

Ever since Tim learned from Bob that Lian Dao was in good health. He didn\'t refuse Lian Dao\'s training, but asked Lian Dao to pay attention to safety and not get hurt.

Lian Dao\'s training state directly stimulated DeRozan and a group of players. Although they were not as crazy as they trained, they still spent a lot of time in the training hall every day.

Twenty days later, the stamina recovery fluid rewarded by the system for the last mission just ran out, and the time for the 4x bonus card for strength training has also ended. Currently, he only has ten days of 2x bonus card for all skills training.

After passing the 20-day suicide training, he found that his physical strength had reached the upper limit of 74. The most intuitive feeling is that even if Lian Dao did not have the physical strength repair liquid, his physical and mental state was still very good the next day.

Of course, the biggest improvement is the strength, which has been directly increased from 41 to 84. 43 ratings were directly improved.

From being hit back again and again by Gibson at the beginning, now he can fight with Gibson in the interior. This intuitive feeling of also strengthened his training method.

Besides Lian Dao, the players who are still spending a lot of time in training every day are DeRozan and Gibson, and by the way, Vucevic. Vucevic did not voluntarily reduce his training, but the training plan made by the coaching staff for him. Although he has excellent scoring ability in the low post, he is too thin and basically has no confrontation ability. So the coaching staff asked him to gain weight and improve his strength. The coaching staff asked him to go to the fifth position.

If it is really successful, then he will be the most suitable candidate for the fifth position of USC. In his last life, he didn\'t persevere. In this life, he was encouraged by Lian Dao and captain Gibson, and Lian Dao\'s training methods also stimulated Vucevic. Although he kept yelling "quit", he still got up early in the morning and trained with Lian Dao and the others.

Therefore, no matter how hot the summer in California is, every day from morning to night, there are always four people who enter the arena first and close the training hall last.

They have also gradually adapted to this training method and enjoy the increasing sense of accomplishment after training.

They even want to live in the gym if there are beds in the gym.

No one will refuse to be strong, if there is, then he must not have worked hard.

Time always flies when you are enjoying something.

In a blink of an eye, the time has come to November. USC has also started school for almost two months. Their training program has also come to an end.

After more than two months of nearly three months of training, Lian Dao and Vucevic have directly grown stronger. Lian Dao\'s weight has changed from the original 82kg to the current 90kg. A full increase of 8kg, 16 catties. The key is to gain muscle, and the body fat rate is only 8%. His overall value is also a big change.

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