Ranker's Return

Chapter 732

Chapter 732

"Let us go to the town together, Guardian.”

The man tried to calm his excitement, but he couldn’t do so. He had the opportunity to exit this space that was disconnected from the outside. How could he stay calm? The man’s positive attitude caused Hyeonu’s mind to become complicated.

‘Does he really like it, or... what is in that place?’

He was doubtful because this man looked so different from the beginning. Maybe this situation was a trap.

‘Let’s go and see.’

The worries were brief. He had to go to their village, regardless of whether it was a trap or not. If it was a trap, he would beat them up. If it wasn’t a trap, he would take them back to Phinis. There was no problem.

“Please guide me.” Hyeonu nodded.

"I understand. Everybody, go back to the village! I will take the guardian with me,” the man turned and shouted at the crowd behind him.

Following the man’s instructions, the people disappeared in groups like when they appeared.

“It is late, but I will introduce myself, Guardian. My name is Hill. Like Kalui, I was waiting for the savior and guardian of the empire under the order of His Majesty the Emperor.”

Hill, the man who led the group, bowed deeply to Hyeonu.

“I am Gang Hyeonu. I am a marquis of the Yusma Empire,” Hyeonu also introduced himself.

“Oh... A marquis at such a young age... as expected, the guardian is different.”

Hill looked amazed again when he heard that Hyeonu was a marquis. A marquis was that high a position. It was a title that couldn’t be climbed to without considerable ability.

“Hill, what is your relationship with Kalui?”

“Are you talking about Kalui? We were knights of the Luos Empire. We passed the beginner academy, Laek. It was really hard. At that time...”

Kalui and Hill were from the same class. They challenged Laek with many of their colleagues. Many gave up midway. They hit a wall of reality that couldn’t be surpassed no matter how hard they tried. Meanwhile, Hill continued to challenge it with Kalui. Then they passed.

‘Why wasn’t I told?’

Hyeonu had a sudden question when he heard Hill’s explanation. If Hill and Kalui were so close, why didn’t Kalui tell Hyeonu about this?

“Kalui didn’t mention that to me?” Hyeonu asked with a slightly disbelieving expression.

“Of course. I myself remembered it only after you mentioned the name Kalui.”

Despite Hyeonu’s expression, Hill responded with a look like he understood.

“I’ve been here so long that even counting dates is meaningless. It is near impossible to remember old relationships. It is only the one small hope that doesn’t disappear in front of time.” Hill stared into the air for a moment and looked like something had been lost.

“I will ask you one more thing, Hill.” Hyeonu prepared the final question for Hill.

“Yes, you can ask me anything.”

“Why did Larenix think of making an artifact so that the imperial people can’t die?”

This was what Hyeonu was most curious about. He didn’t think about it when he first met Kalui, but as time passed along with the main scenario, he remembered the Larenix he met in the past.

‘He doesn’t have a character that will do something like this...’

Or at the very least, he would’ve said something to Hyeonu before he disappeared.

There is a place where survivors of the empire are gathered, so please save them. There are people like that. If you can afford it, please help.

‘Yet he didn’t say anything.’

The old emperor didn’t say anything. He just disappeared.

“His Majesty... he dreamed of revenge. He divided us between the demon world, middle world, and divine world, hoping that a powerful guardian would appear in the future to lead us again. Meanwhile, the imperial people should build up our strength through endless training.”

Hill opened his mouth while he looked like he was reminiscing about something.

“But... we didn’t have the same heart as His Majesty. During the time when we should be walking forward, we kept looking back. From the moment we looked back, everything fell apart. Hard work, memory, willpower, the future, desires... in the end, even the fire of life was extinguished.”

Hill shut his mouth after this.

‘They committed suicide.’

Hyeonu already knew from Kalui. In the ‘disconnected space’ that provided eternal life, they never aged or died. There was only one way to die. It was to end their lives on their own.

“You will know as soon as you go to the town. There are now only around 3,000 people left. The first time I came here, there were around 3,000 people. And... I am the only one who remembers the appearance of Lepil.”

Hyeonu was deep in thought at Hill’s last words.

‘It is serious here.’

The fact that the population was the same at the beginning and the end meant that there were as many people who killed themselves as those who were born. Additionally, Lepil was the capital of the Luos Empire. Failing to remember what it looked like meant that all those left were born in this space.

“Let’s go quickly.”

At Hyeonu’s words, the two men moved toward the town.


Hyeonu arrived in town and found many people already waiting for Hyeonu and HIll. People on the road and in the buildings were all staring at Hyeonu.

‘I think everyone has gathered?’

At first glance, more than 1,000 people had gathered. They all looked the same. Anticipation was on their faces. At the same time, they felt deep favor toward Hyeonu. Hyeonu was the one who would get rid of this cursed space.

‘I don’t see anyone who wants to hit me...’

Everyone was welcoming Hyeonu. He didn’t think there was anything like last time.

“Hill, can I briefly tell the people here what is going to happen?” Hyeonu took a step forward.

“Yes, you can explain it to those gathered here.”

Hill nodded. Hill had already heard a brief explanation from Hyeonu when coming to the town. He could’ve explained it, but he thought it was better for Hyeonu to do it himself.

“You will leave this space in a while. Then you will move with me to my territory. There are people who were in the same position as you, so there won’t be any inconvenience in your stay.”

At Hyeonu’s words, the eyes of the people gathered throughout the town shone.

“Can we finally go out?”

“I can’t believe I can leave this damn space...”


“Those in the same situation as us... it wasn’t a lie that he heard about this place from somewhere else.”

They were going to leave this place and it was good that people like them were already settled.

“Please wait a minute. I’ll let you go out in no time.” Hyeonu shouted again for everyone to hear him before turning toward Hill. “Hill, please guide me.”

“Yes. You can follow behind me.”

Hill took the lead and Hyeonu followed. The gathered people opened the way for the two of them to pass.

“Here we are, Guardian.” Hill stopped in front of an ordinary building that was no different from other buildings.

‘It is the same as back then.’

There was a great deal of magic power coming from inside the building. It was just like what he felt in the instance dungeon in the demon world.

“See you outside, Hill.”

Hyeonu entered the building with confidence. The interior of the building was as ordinary as the outside. There were no decorations or pillars. It was a rectangular space. The center of the interior only contained a cylinder that came up to Hyeonu’s waist.

‘There was a hole here.’

Hyeonu recalled his previous memories. At the top of the cylinder was clearly a small groove. It was over when he brought the Red Guardian that represented a guardian of the empire to it.

Hyeonu moved as soon as he remembered it. He approached the cylinder and found a small groove on top of it. Then he brought the Red Guardian to it.

[You have been confirmed to be a guardian of the empire.]

[The ‘Eternal Hell’ will be released.]’

At this moment, light was emitted from the cylinder and filled the interior of the building. It soon broke through the building and covered the entire instance dungeon.


‘Today is the last one.’

He was looking forward to the end of New Moon. It started with nine, decreased to six, and now only three remained. Hyeonu was thinking about dropping two of the remaining three contestants as he originally told Kang Ujong.

‘Supervisor Kang gained two more people. It is possible...’

The reason Hyeonu could do this was because Kang Ujong and Jeong Byeongjin gained two more melee class players at Hyeonu’s request. If this wasn’t the case, he would unconditionally have to fill the rest of the spots using New Moon. In the worst case scenario, all three had to be picked.

‘Once New Moon is over... I will have to pay more attention to Alley Leader Academy.’

Hyeonu felt sorry toward Ray and Jamie Moore.

In particular, Jamie Moore. The main scenario and New Moon overlapped, so he wasn’t able to pay much attention to the two men.

Hyeonu calmly laid out what he needed to do on today’s livestream. There were two important parts today. One was to reveal that the final person who passed New Moon was Jeong Cheolmin. The other one...

‘It is to unveil the new Crescent Moon to the world.’

It would be a type of voting event. How had Crescent Moon changed after one of the most shocking movies in e-sports history? Additionally, could they keep the throne after going through this change.

[Announcement of the final successful candidates of New Moon!!! (feat Crescent Moon)]

Hyeonu turned on the livestream and viewers poured in.

-Raise your hand if the number one pick is Jeong Cheolmin!


-Who will pass if it isn’t Cheolmin?

-Cheolmin will pass, let’s go!!!

Viewers saw the words New Moon in the streaming title and continued conversing over the black screen. It was Jeong Cheolmin who made up the majority of the viewers’ messages. Out of the three remaining contestants, Jeong Cheolmin was the most skilled and passionate. Naturally, his popularity was bound to be exceptionally high.

-By the way, how many of the three people will be chosen?

-I think all three.

-I think there will be two people.

-I’m two as well. I think one is too little. Three is too many.

The next concern for viewers who named their favorites was how many of the three could enter Crescent Moon.

“Hello, everyone. I am Alley Leader.”

Hyeonu appeared as the viewers were chatting.

“Today is the day to announce those who passed New Moon.”

-So who passed?

-Can Cheolmin enter Crescent Moon?

-How many people are you passing? One? Two? Three?

-Don’t just look for Cheolmin every day. Look at the other kids as well.

“How many people will I pick...? You’ll find out in a moment. Before announcing the final successful participants of New Moon, I have someone to introduce.”

-Introduce? Guests are appearing?

-Who is it?

-Perhaps...? His girlfriend?

-His parents are good as well.

Hyeonu smiled as he saw the viewers just throw out anything. “It isn’t a girlfriend or my family. The people I’m going to introduce now are the players of Crescent Moon. They were the people who will be eating together with those who successfully pass New Moon today.”

-So how many people will you introduce?

Unsurprisingly, the viewers wondered how many members of Crescent Moon there were. There were exactly three people left from the original Crescent Moon. The rest of the positions were officially vacant. It was being revealed here for the first time.

“Eight people. I will introduce you to the eight players who will be joining the Spring League this time.”

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