The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 244 - A Promise I Would Never Break.

"You will be targeted..." the winds at the borders of the city had begun to strengthen.

"But in the end, your name alone will cause the universe to shudder."

"Chaos might swallow you..."

"But you might swallow chaos..."

"Before creation comes destruction."

"Before peace comes chaos"

"Destruction creates life and creates hope, while chaos is what eventually creates peace"

"Without light, there is no darkness"

"Without good, there is no evil"

"And without destruction, there is no creation."

"So let it be known..." At this point, it looked like the winds had shattered the atmosphere and reality around the city itself. Countless cracks in space began to expand infinitely as if they had no end to the amount of energy they had within them.

"Let it be known that Chaos has awoken once again..."

"Let it be known that the third progenitor of chaos has finally awoken!" The cracks began to expand at an infinitely faster pace, going every direction including mine.

Before I could even evade the incoming attacks of the spacial cracks, I could only watch as my vision cracked and shattered into pieces, the last words I heard being "Khaos and Eris send you their blessings"


I opened my eyes in a panic before shooting up from the blue mat that I usually used to cultivate. I looked around with a panicked expression, trying my hardest not to make too much noise in case that thing was still here.

That thing, the thing with a purple mouth and eyes from what now seemed like just a dream had let out an aura so powerful that it had immediately frozen me in place. If I had to compare it and the aura of the angel that I had met 2 years ago, I would describe the angel\'s aura as being comparable to mount Everest. An unmovable mountain that stands above everything in the world.

However, if I was told to describe the aura I was feeling from that monster, I would have to describe it as facing the very sun. It felt like that creature made out of wind could have destroyed our entire world with just a sneeze, let alone actually attacking it.

Remembering its power, I felt a powerful shudder go through my body, yet I quickly calmed down by consoling myself by repeating \'It was just a dream.\' over and over again in my head.

After calming down my heartbeat and breathing, I slowly strained my neck to the side to look at the peacefully sleeping Olivia with a wry smile.

"So cute..." I could not help but mutter


\'HELA! YOUR BACK!\' I inwardly cried




\'I never knew your value before today!\'

[HEY! Calm down]

\'Oh, sorry\' My previous sulking and crying attitude were no more, making Hela doubt if it even happened.

[A-Anyway... Congrats on reaching the Peak Divine Ethereal Stage! High five?]

\'Thank and no, no high-fiving for today.

[Suit yourself]

After a few seconds of silence, my eyes finally widened and I asked \'Divine ethereal?\'

[Yes. Divine ethereal. That was what I said so your illiterate deaf brain can actually understand. Anyway, divine mana isn\'t something that can be naturally awakened in anyone. Of course, divine energy can be awakened in anyone who reaches past the stage after the cosmic realm which I am not going to tell you the name of because you don\'t really need to know about it for now. Anyway there are only a few races that have been able to inherently and genetically awaken divine energy naturally, something that will rapidly increase the power of someone compared to their cultivation alongside the cultivation speed of someone.]

\'So like the God race?\' I asked after remembering something that had happened when I absorbed the demi-god inheritance. 

[Well, yes and no. The God race is genetically superior in every way to mortals and therefore automatically becoming astral beings or higher from the moment they are born. It is only those who have diluted God\'s blood inside of them, like demi-gods, or those who have inherited a god\'s energy as a moral, like apostles and angels, who start off at a lower stage than the astral plane.]

[There are a few other races across the cosmos who awaken divine energy naturally, but it would be better if you didn\'t know about it. Anyway, due to you having the Transdimensional-migrator title, you are not restricted by the rules and limits of any world, therefore, allowing you to awaken divine energy instead of an element like all the other normal people from this world]

[Divine energy, while it isn\'t very useful for anything other than cultivating faster and strengthening spells at both the mortal and astral planes and shows its uses when you reach the cosmic plane.

\'Thank you for the explanation  I nodded with newfound enthusiasm. Who knew I had hit a jackpot when I had awakened Divine energy. \'

And to think I used to think that it was a curse rather than a blessing. How naive I truly was\' I nodded to myself with an expression that I would expect to see on a wise old man.

[When you reach the Astral plane you should be able to use other universal elements other than the primary ones that are limited to this world. Well, that would be the case normally but after seeing that you were able to stop time and even teleport back when you first awakened, you should be able to at least teleport by the time you reach at least the liquidus stage if not earlier.] Hela explained

\'Wait... So you are saying I can do that cool teleportation thing I did back then?\' I asked, anticipation evident in my eyes.

[Yep! Anyway, you should stop standing there motionless. Olivia is looking at your weirdly]

Hearing this, I could not help but turn my head and look in her direction just to see her staring back at me.

"Good morning~" I put on a loving smile and walked up to her.

"Mornin\'~" She yawned back like a cat that had just woken from a nap.

[You should do it...]

*"Do it"*

*"Make love to her all day"*

*"Break her both physically and mentally"*

The nice and peaceful scene had been broken by the whispers in my ear.

\'I want to marry her...\' I couldn\'t help but think inwardly as I watched her squirm under her sheets while trying to find a warm and comfortable position to sleep in.

At the same time, she poked out a leg from under her sheets before turning around again, consequently moving her shirt down and causing one of her nipples to out of her clothes.

I felt my sense of arousal almost skyrocket, but it did not end there. My eyes tried to dart away from her nip-slip, but they quickly locked onto her ravishing red lips before darting around again and locking onto her curvaceous and luscious ass.

"Oh god," I blurted out with a flushed face. If this went on for any longer, I would not be able to hide it nor keep it in anymore. I would do something that I had promised myself not to do even if I was drunk.

It was the promise of never taking advantage of someone who trusts me with their life when they are emotionally down.

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