Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 140: Leaving in a huff when matters are over

Having held the dart for so long, he finally threw it out. “Ah!!~~” Vulture grabbed his hand agony, never expecting Zhang Xiao Qiang to still have some preventive measure. His eyes swept past the dart stuck in his hand, and he turned to his men, preparing to give the signal for them to charge. He intended for them to outnumber Zhang Xiao Qiang, after all, he had already decided on this course of action, he didn’t care how many men he would lose. It would either be him or Zhang Xiao Qiang that walks out alive today.

He turned around to signal but realized that they weren’t looking at him. All of them were staring at Zhang Xiao Qiang, agape, before 2 of them dropped their weapons involuntarily. The moment the melee weapons clattered to the floor, it seemed to set off the rest as well, as they all looked at Zhang Xiao Qiang in fear, their legs shaking.

Vulture was bewildered, and he turned slowly back to face Zhang Xiao Qiang, only to see the dark ends of 2 barrels facing him. His entire back was drenched in cold sweat, and he could not maintain his calm anymore. His legs started shaking before he crumpled to the ground in fear.

Zhang Xiao Qiang couldn’t care about how much fear Vulture had right now. In fact, he was terrified inwardly himself. Both the M1911A1s in his and Yang Ke’er’s hands were empty, having spent them on the S2 earlier. They were using empty guns to try and intimidate this bunch. Fortunately, these people were not idiots, not daring to charge forth without ascertaining that the handguns had ammo.

“Do you guys want to die along with him?” Zhang Xiao Qiang’s raspy voice sounded, and the 7 men seemed to line up obediently, shaking their head in unison. If it weren’t for the severity of the situation, it would be a comical sight.

Seeing them respond obediently, Zhang Xiao Qiang was satisfied. He then looked to Vulture who had a stricken expression, when he suddenly had a thought, ‘Make use of others to kill’.

“The bunch of you, kill Vulture. It will be a token of your submission.” Zhang Xiao Qiang spoke softly.

The men looked at Vulture with complicated expressions. They knew that without Vulture, they wouldn’t have survived till today, hence they were all hesitant.

Zhang Xiao Qiang glanced at them again and said once more: “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to.” When he said this, they all felt like a huge weight was off their shoulders.

“But, you can join in his death!” Zhang Xiao Qiang finished and brought his pistol up to aim at them.

“I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go, don’t kill me! Please don’t shoot!” One burly man saw Zhang Xiao Qiang aiming at his head, and his heart seemed to jolt, almost stopping. He began to stutter about killing Vulture until Zhang Xiao Qiang brought his gun away from him. His entire face was slick with perspiration and knew he came close to death just then. He trembled as he walked towards Vulture.

With one guy leading, the rest also began to surround Vulture under the threat of Zhang Xiao Qiang’s handgun. When Vulture saw his subordinates surrounding him, he stopped clutching his arm that was injured and reached for the .92 pistol that he threw to the ground. He just picked it up, when a foot came slamming into his left hand holding the gun. The gun was flung across the ground once more, it was precisely the first guy who stepped out to kill Vulture.

The man picked up the gun, and he did not dare hold it by the grip, instead, holding the barrel, before handing it to Zhang Xiao Qiang with an abashed expression, hoping that Zhang Xiao Qiang would appreciate his goodwill. He knew that as he picked up the gun, Zhang Xiao Qiang’s gaze was fixed on him.

Zhang Xiao Qiang received the handgun and looked at him appreciatively, causing the guy to feel like the pressure had lightened considerably. Without any prompt from Zhang Xiao Qiang, he immediately turned to face Vulture savagely. He had thoroughly treated Vulture as his enemy, and only by killing him would things be settled.

Vulture watched his men turn into strangers as they closed in on him. He began to shout for his life, begging Zhang Xiao Qiang for mercy. He started to kowtow profusely, and his entire face bled. Zhang Xiao Qiang and the men ignored his actions, and it was unclear who made the first move, but the moment a long spear pierced into him, the rest began raining blows as well. 7 of them surrounding Vulture, their weapons pummeling him without stopping. Zhang Xiao Qiang and his women stood outside of the circle, not knowing Vulture’s current condition. Until his voice started to die out, and there was no movement. Even then, the men did not seem to realize Vulture had succumbed and still continued to pierce, and thrust, and smashed as hard as they could. Everyone had bloodshot eyes, turning beast-like. By the time everyone was exhausted, Vulture had become a pile of mashed up meat, mixed with his clothes. When the men regained their rationality and saw what they did, they all vomited.

Zhang Xiao Qiang eyed the minced meat on the ground and supported Yuan Yi as they turned towards the huge gate. Shangguan Qiao Yun did not dare to peek at the fate of Vulture instead, looking at Zhang Xiao Qiang. She also supported Yang Ke’er and turned to follow Zhang Xiao Qiang. Yang Ke’er was currently emotional, as Brother Long’s death had affected her. Although they weren’t close, he was still a relative. The last living relative of hers had died, it was truly hard to bear. When she saw Zhang Xiao Qiang’s back, her heart lifted slightly. Isn’t there him in her life? This stubborn man who wanted face more than anything, but still sacrificed himself for the women he loved. This was the man she would spend the remainder of her life with.

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