Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Chapter 463 “Healing the Messy Hearted Girl

How are we supposed to start, I can’t exactly climb into that with my clothes on right?

“This is improper, we are man and woman,” she grumpily protests.

“You don’t need to worry about that, I’ve never seen you as a woman to begin with.” Not even batting an eyelash, Wu Chong readily answers her in such an insulting manner.

Towards this, the girl herself only wanted to perform an impulse killing there.

“You only have one day and one night. If I were you then I wouldn’t hesitate so much.” Readily tossing the precious box with the flower inside over to her feet, Wu Chong went ahead to begin sipping on the prepared tea like the girl’s injury mattered not to him.

Though the man was trying to act all casual and uncaring, it can’t fool her. Ling Yue can clearly feel the burning desire in those eyes which left her both frustrated and helpless. Then that’s when it hit her. Not bothering to remove her clothes, she directly gets into the barrel with the bandage and all!

Once in there, it’s only natural that she first check on what’s inside the little box that’s meant to cure her. Surprisingly enough, it’s burning hot even before she opened it.

But before she could continue, a powerful pair of hands had caught her, stopping the girl from doing anything foolish.

“Are you a pig or something? How could you go touch the Nirvana Heart Lotus without bothering to cover yourself with Yuan energy?” Watching the burns and scars all over that hand, Wu Chong became increasingly impatient and annoyed.

Can this woman be anymore dumb and difficult?

Not going to bother asking for permission, he swiftly wraps his own powers around her hand like a protective glove instead.

“I can do it myself, can you move back first?” Ling Yue awkwardly demands, which instantly awarded her with a warning glare.

Though the word “glare” was a bit of a stretch, it’s more accurate to say it’s a peeping eye of lust because the water had directly soaked the bandages and clothes up. As a result of this, Ling Yue’s excellent body were all outlined for him to gawk at.



Eventually even Wu Chong had to admit this was getting improper and released his evil claws, thus giving the girl some relief and space.

Damn it, why is it every time I meet this man I would get so awkward and weak? Ling Yue protests inside, vowing to change herself later after this.

But enough of her own woes, she knew this was no time to be moping around. First summoning the white spirit smoke from the cauldron to create a protective layer around her skin, Ling Yue swiftly began refining the Nirvana Heart Lotus from its raw state.

Initially it was just the petals falling off, then came the pollen, eventually the entire flower was now a crystal like jelly that looked like a burning flame from the outside.

Knowing the time was right, that’s when she pulled the essence into her own body.


The effects were stunning like countless flames being ignited from within.

Although she was psychological prepared for whatever was to come, this level of intensity had still left her gasping in fright.

At once, the bandages were loosened by the small burst of heat, followed closely by the reddening of the tub water due to her own blood seeping out of her bursting veins. Even for Wu Chong who’s seen countless savage battles in his life, this level of damage was unnerving.

Despite the pain, Ling Yue never made a peep. She’s a strong willed person, there’s no way she will allow herself to be outdone by a mere flower. However, that didn’t mean the same applies to Wu Chong. The man’s complexion was growing darker than a stormy cloud.

“How long are you going to keep enduring this?” Just when Ling Yue had bit through her lip due to her struggle, a disgruntled voice had come down from above.

Chapter 463 “Healing the Messy Hearted Girl (p2)”

Wu Chong was seriously at his last straw. When seeing that blistered lip with the bite mark, the man ended up involuntarily putting his finger onto the corner of that mouth in a caressing manner. It’s as if the act alone would be able to sooth his anger and frustration.

Now that’s just horrible. Ling Yue herself was enduring all that pain from having her wounds blown apart for rejuvenation, the other side was taking advantage of her immobility to sexually harass her.

In a fit of rage, she bites down at the naughty finger to showcase her displeasure.

Undeniably the pain was more than enough to get a reaction from Wu Chong. Even so, he endures and uses his other hand to stroke the girl’s back like an adult soothing a child.

As for Ling Yue herself, she can only feel a jet of cold frosty aura seeping into her body. Because of the intense pain ringing in her head, the girl could barely make out her surroundings by this point and easily accepts the help.

To be clear, the process wasn’t short by any means. Tub after tub, Wu Chong had to keep changing out the water with plenty of skin remnants floating up to the surface. If it was any other then they would’ve surely hurled after seeing the shocking sight.

Finally, the ordeal was over after the sixth tub of water.

This should’ve been a joyous occasion to be renewed once again; however, when she opened up her eyes after coming out of her haze, that’s when she realized what’s happening after subconsciously looking down. She’s butt naked in the tub and beside her was a mischievous bastard squatting there, eyeing her private parts like a possessive pervert!

Acting like a cat that’s had their tail stepped on, Ling Yue’s only reaction was to send a slap across the impudent man’s face. Sadly, it appears Wu Chong had already guessed her intent long before she made a move. Catching it mid-flight, he pushes her back down again and hooked his tongue around those cherry blossoms lips.

Together and tight, he began ravaging that poor mouth like a crazed lion: “Little Yue Yue, why are you being so shy for when we’ve been bathing together for so long? Be good now, your injury isn’t fully cured yet. We still need to do your face that’s still charred up.”

“Wu Chong you bastard!” Feeling the blood gushing to her brain, Ling Yue’s temperature right now could practically make the water boil.

But before anything further could proceed, something unexpected had occurred. It’s from within her veins, a surge of something was trying to force its way out!

This isn’t good. Can it be? Is the Nirvana Heart Lotus too strong that the remaining effects are getting out of control?

It’s precisely as she suspected. A Dan realm master can never fully digest the medication within something of this calibre, that’s why Wu Chong would use his own powers to help push the essence throughout her blood to dissipate it slowly. However, it appears that attempted slap had disrupted the man’s focus and caused a backlash.

There’s no way Ling Yue would willingly allow the bastard to touch her again. Pushing the man away, she calls upon her own powers to force the remaining essence out of her veins.

“Still trying to act tough….” By the time Wu Chong realized what the girl was trying to do, it was already too late.

The Nirvana Heart Lotus may be a miraculous medication in the right hands, it’s also a very rare and poisonous ingredient if not properly handled.

Like right now, the act of using her own internal powers was equivalent to self-suicide. Instead of forcing it out, it will own accelerate the effects and make it even stronger. As such, not only did the heat within her veins not subside, it only intensified to the point where her entire face had turned into a dangerous red like blood’s open to burst out.

This was a very dangerous sign indeed. Not only did that pushing hand from the girl retract into a grab, Wu Chong can even see the veins thumping through her skin like everything’s about to explode!

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