The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 38 The Detached Forces Arrival; The Battle Begins

Soon the enemies appeared from the horizon. Even at our position, the two large King Realm Wild Beasts could clearly be seen. Just by the size of them, I was wondering whether someone could kill them alone.

The two just needed to charge towards us and we would be swatted like a fly. If I could compare their size to an animal on Earth, I guess, they\'re as tall as the largest elephant recorded.

According to Erin, the two were called Berserker Thornhog. They looked like a giant warthog, with two long and sharp tusks protruding from its mouth, it\'s hide were also full of thorny spikes.

Then those behind them were of the same species just that they\'re much weaker and smaller than the two. They\'re called Mutant Thornhog, their strength was comparable to a 3rd Stage Augmented Realm. And lastly, there were smaller Thornhogs behind them which were used by the Corrupted Barbarians as their mounts.

Well, those smaller thornhogs\' spikes hadn\'t grown out yet, hence they could be mounted.

The Dark Beastmasters who were supposed to be controlling all those Wild Beasts were nowhere to be seen. Maybe they\'re lagging behind or they purposely maintained a distance.

I estimated that apart from the two King Realm Wild Beasts. Those Mutated Thornhogs were numbered 300. While the Thornhogs with Corrupted Barbarians riding them were around 1000.

I couldn\'t gauge the strength of those Corrupted Barbarians. There may be some Saint Realms but most of them were like us, a good number of Mortal Realms and Augmented Realms.

Compared to our numbers, they\'re outnumbered. But the fact that all of them were corrupted by that higher energy mentioned by the Saint Realm we defeated, they\'re stronger than they look.

"Ophelia. Lead me to the three platoons that will take the frontline first."

Since they\'re already here, I have to ready my troops. They might be veteran at fighting but the war was always the same no matter which world. It\'s chaotic and once you enter the battlefield, there\'s no guarantee you\'ll come out safely.

Most of my subordinates were slaves who wanted to be freed from that status, they\'re all eager to live through this. And since they\'re all under me, I\'m responsible for their lives.

Led by Ophelia, the three of us went from the back of the troops to the front of the three platoons that were already feeling nervous and tense for the upcoming battle.

Do I need to say encouraging words? I don\'t think so. If it comes from me who\'s just a 1st Stage Augmented Realm expert, some might think I was looking down on them, especially those higher in realm than me, so I\'ll leave that part on Ophelia who was the strongest among us.

This is the Barbarian World after all, no matter how special I was from Old Man Reol\'s eyes, the other barbarians didn\'t know that. Even the other General who was sent on this side didn\'t have any good impression of me. For him, I was just an Augmented Realm, I was clearly weaker than him.

Ophelia respected me because of how I treated her, maybe that\'s also the reason why Old Man Reol put me in this position because there\'s Ophelia who could help me.

Just from the vanguard of the enemy, they have at least three at the King Realm in strength; the two Berserker Thornhogs and that leader of Corrupted Barbarians. And while as have a considerable number of Saint Realm experts, only Old Man Reol was at the level of King Realm.

Can he hold those three down?

Ah. Maybe this was the time to finally see what the Old Man was capable of.

As time passed the sounds from the marching enemy drowned the silence enveloping us.

From Mortal Realm to the Saint Realm Generals, everyone readied themselves.

Right now, the Heavenly Lightning Tribe didn\'t have its strong army that was being feared by most of the tribes surrounding it.

The enemies were only a detached force but seeing that darkish aura that was oozing out from them, I couldn\'t help but take a guess that that was the higher energy that increased their combat prowess.


I whispered to Ophelia. I already relayed everything she had to do.

After activating the Enhancement Aura to the three platoons. We moved back behind the troops and I directed those who will use the bows.

When the enemies reached a certain distance from us, they also spread out. Their right-wing consists of at least 100 Mutated Thornhogs and 200 Thornhogs mounted by a Corrupted Barbarian charged into us.


I could hear the other General shouted his command, the mix of 300 tribesmen and slaves rushed towards the incoming enemies.

All sorts of Augmented Skills flew towards the Mutated Thornhogs at the front.

"Let\'s go!"

With Ophelia at the front, she led the three platoons and took the frontline.

She immediately drew the first blood to the leading Mutated Thornhog using her heavy spear. With a Halo appearing on top of her head, her spear shined with a blinding light and pierced the thick hide of the beast. It\'s tusk and the thorns protecting it couldn\'t stop her.

She immediately jumped back after the beast fell to the ground.

The Thornhogs behind it stumbled when they crashed to the fallen beast and the Corrupted Barbarians riding them flew forward from the impact.

With each platoon spreading out and the proper distinction on each squad, they all welcomed the Corrupted Barbarians falling in front of them. Even if most of them were still at the Mortal Realm, with the Enhancement Buff, their strength reached the necessary force to pierce and hack at the Corrupted Barbarians enhanced by the higher energy.

Immediately, the surroundings turned chaotic. All sorts of screams and howls from beasts and barbarians alike almost made my ears go deaf.

And at this moment, my ability kicked in again. I immediately adapted to this chaotic battlefield and everything became clear to me.

When I saw some squad about to be broken by a Mutated Thornhog and a group of Corrupted Barbarian

I rushed towards them with Erin and Avelin following me.

After throwing Physique Boost at everyone on that squad we proceeded to help them kill their opponents.

With how swift and how orderly I did it. Not only the two following me, even the squad we helped gasped in amazement.

But yeah, I didn\'t revel at that moment and moved on to the next. Even with all the chaos in my surrounding,  I could clearly see which of them needed help. Of course with my limited vision, I couldn\'t see the whole battlefield but it\'s enough.

The wars here were a bit primitive and most of the barbarians relied on instincts. Anything could happen if you factor the Augmented Skills or Halos so most of the time, even a well-thought-out strategy could be rendered useless.

But the way I organized them to a small squad of five, it was proven effective to reduce the casualties.

I don\'t know what\'s happening on the other side and it\'s not like it will matter if I know.

There were messengers running around reporting the details of each battlefield anyway.

Soon, the 10 minutes passed by and the Enhancement Aura wore off.

Ophelia issued the order to fall back while I ordered those shooting arrows to get ready while I threw numerous balls of Physique Boost towards them.

They need to be in the defensive position by sticking close to each other for around 12 minutes. The loss of 10 Strength and Endurance were something not anyone could bridge with simply willpower alone.

During this time we also went back to rest. Avelin and Erin were also tired from keeping up to wherever I went.

When the three platoons went back, we tallied the casualties and reorganized the squad who lost a teammate. Sadly, even with the preparation and organization we did, we couldn\'t prevent a casualty. From that short 10 minutes of battle, 5 died.

It was low compared to how many we killed but still a loss is a loss. All of them were slaves who just wanted to be freed of their status.

Erin and Avelin patted my back when they saw me looking down.

Ah. I shouldn\'t show a weak side like this or it will affect everyone.

Ophelia also went back and asked for a Physique Boost before she took the front again. That woman was doing her best, not only for her but also for her previous tribesmen who became slaves because of a wrong decision made by her late husband.

"General, a message."

A messenger appeared and immediately relayed news of the other battlefields.

The main battlefield was at the Western side where the two Berserker Thornhogs ran rampant which caused a lot of casualties. Only when Old Man Reol stepped in did it somehow abate but even he couldn\'t kill those two easily. He was only a single barbarian. Not only did he have to fight two at once, but he was also wary of the 3rd King Realm who was leading the Corrupted Barbarians.

Then when I heard the casualties from the other battlefield, especially the one next to me, I felt relieved. Relieved that we had the lowest casualties at the first encounter.

After that, I stood up again. The cooldown ended and I once again took out the Orb of Enhancement.

As to how long this battle will last. I don\'t know. There\'s still no news from Raiden or the army he brought with him. If they could return and not face the main force of the enemies that were heading towards them, then there\'s a possibility to make our stand here as the whole Heavenly Lightning Tribe.

But yeah, there\'s no way to know the real plan of these Dark Beastmasters. Are they just aiming for Raiden or there\'s something more?

The way the barbarians weren\'t united proved to be a problem in this world, I wonder what will happen to this world after we go back to Earth.

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