The Empress' Livestream

Chapter 415 - Dominating Xiangyang (III)

Chapter 415: Dominating Xiangyang (III)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Presently, Jiang Pengji and those pitiful women remained in the hall.

The first words that emerged from her mouth are —

“I have no interest for you, there’s no need to be so uptight.”

Ignoring the reaction of these women, the audience in the livestreaming room held her in high regard.

Quer: “Sneers —— streamer, are you trying to comfort or frighten them.”

Laowusuo Desui: “Yes, it feels like you are threatening them.”

Laosiji Lianmeng: “There’s nothing wrong with the streamer’s words. She is a female, of course she’s not interested in women.”

It’s a known fact amongst the livestream audiences that she’s a female, a lady who’s more manly than regular men.

Nonetheless, these ladies who were hurt are clueless.

“Which family are you all from? At daylight tomorrow, I will send some men to escort you back.”

After she finished speaking, the ladies below still did not move, they just nodded their heads quietly, some were trembling intermittently.

Jiang Pengji frowned, “If you don’t dare to voice up, I will accept that you’ve consented to staying. As you know, goddess like ladies like yourselves living amongst men, what the consequences will be. As such, will you continue to keep silent and be unwilling to return to your loved ones?”

Then, a person with slender figure, roughly 15 to 16 years old kneeled in a heartbeat.

Her eyes were bloodshot and teary, she sobbed and said, “Your servant is once a rich businessman’s daughter. Those beasts killed your servant’s entire family, so I am the sole survivor. How do you expect me to return? Yet to stay and be at the mercy of others, your servant is absolutely unwilling. Only have pity on me and give me a decisive end.”

With one, there’s a second, following which another lady, kneeling to air her grievance, she slowly bowed down with her entire being.

Compared to General Jiu’s fiercesome features, Jiang Pengji is born slim and appears more harmless. Even if blood overflows on her now, her overall presence is more compassionate than General Jiu’s.

Jiang Pengji rubbed her eyebrows, and asked in response, “If you all had the intention to die, why are your still alive?”

When these words proceeded out of her mouth, their expression had a drastic change, the last bit of life on their faces faded.

How could Jiang Pengji not know of their little schemes, wouldn’t they just doubt and assume that she is lying about letting them go?

She had a pure heart that was twisted and misunderstood by others...even she was discouraged.

“I have no ill intentions by saying this.” Jiang Pengji spread out her hands, clarifying herself saying, “Since I agreed to send men to escort you home, I will surely do so. The Tsing Yi army are violent mobs, they are full of sins and view lives as insignificant. However, I am ordered personally by the Emperor to assume the role of district magistrate in the Xiangyang district. In this region, you are part of the citizens I oversee, why would I harm you? Ai, if you all really have nowhere to go, I will think of a solution to let you settle down. Don’t be worried, I will definitely not allow anyone to humiliate you.”

Just when she finished, the change in the ladies’ expression was exciting to behold.

Never have they imagined in their dreams that this youth, who kills without batting an eye, would be the newly appointed district magistrate of the Xiangyang district!

The first young lady stammered saying, “You-you’re really the... district magistrate?”

“Yes, do I have to show you the imperial edict the Emperor gave me?” Jiang Pengji asked in return.

The other party shook her head as if a rattle, her head slowly lost signs of blood flow and appeared awkward.

If Jiang Pengji was truly the district magistrate, she will surely not force them. In other words, she was genuinely willing to help them.

Only... they really didn’t have homes to return to.

Jiang Pengji sighed and continued, “Please stay in the district headquarters temporarily. After I settle everything down, I will then consider what’s best for you. As for those who lost all their possessions to the Tsing Yi army, if it is indeed found to be true, the money will be returned to you at the shortest time possible.”

“Thank you district magistrate,” the women said in unison.

Hualian Chaoshi: “Yi, streamer, do you intend to return their family possessions to them? Aren’t you in dire need of money and rations now?”

Jiang Pengji rolled her eyes in her heart. In the viewers’ eyes, was she such a greedy person?

Streamer V: “I am lacking in manpower not rations.”

She, Jiang Pengji, was not poor to the extent where she has to rob destitute ladies of their family possessions!

The ladies’ hearts remained anxious, but Jiang Pengji’s standpoint gave them hope.


Longhu boardwalk is surrounded by two mountain tops.

Qiguan Rang couldn’t sleep all night, in his bosom lay the feathered fan that never left his body, he looked worried as he saw afar off.

“Seems like we overestimated that unruly group.”

Initially he thought the Tsing Yi army would pull a sudden attack on them, who knows after being on standby the whole night, even their shadows were nowhere in sight.

Feng Jin used his sleeve to cover his face as he yawned briefly, “Wait till after daylight breaks...if there’s still no commotion, that’ll be good news.”

Luoyue turned to Qiguan Rang on his left, then to Feng Jin on his right and lastly, opposite him, to Xu Ke who knitted his brows tightly, anxious to the point of squeezing a mosquito dead between them.

Deep in his heart he sneered that being on night duty was not meant for scholarly men.

The latter half of the night just passed, the three of them couldn’t take it anymore.

Luoyue modestly consulted Feng Jin, “I do not really understand what Master Huaiyu is getting at.”

Feng Jin answered, “If the enemies attack at the latter half of the night, that means that Langjun has met with trouble. The Tsing Yi army is not only entangled with Langjun but also has additional troops to send and carry out a surprise attack on our camp base. Contrarily, if by dawn there’s no commotion, Langjun is most likely to have succeeded.”

Qiguan Rang fanned himself with one hand, then used wood to manoeuvre the flames saying, “Send someone to go check the status at the city’s east gate.”

Luoyue questioned, “What status?”

“Go check if heads are hung in the city walls. If it’s a stranger’s head, Langjun is victorious. Conversely if on the wall hangs...” Qiguan Rang spoke till here then stopped, “... If so, we have to think of an escape route for these people and settle them down.”

Luoyue’s expression became heavy-hearted then he responded, “Luoyue will arrange for it now.”

As he watched Luoyue depart, Qiguan Rang asked Xu Ke, “How likely will Langjun succeed this time?”

“How can Wenzheng not know what’s the fighting capabilities of the troops?” Xu Ke asked in return.

All 1000 troops are equipped with improved versions of bows and handheld weapons, this is where most of the money was invested in for the troops. Having poured so much money into it, how could they reap no benefits? If they can’t even deal with the 10,000 in the Tsing Yi army, then what was the point of fighting on.

The smile on Qiguan Rang’s face became somewhat more sincere.

He remarked, “I may know this, but a battle has many unforeseen circumstances, who can strategize flawlessly?”

All three of them looked towards the bonfire, all lost in their differing thoughts.

It was destined to be a difficult night, no one was in the mood for sleeping.

A ray of golden light rose from the east, burning the morning fog away, dispelling the downcast and dark night away.

Qiguan Rang rubbed his dry and sore eyes, then used his tongue to moisturise his dry lips. He appeared composed but his heart was already beating nervously.

He stood up straight, gazed into the large city pond, hidden behind the morning fog, from a distance and secretly prayed.

“Incoming report —”

A loud shout broke the silence of the morning, all three of them clenched their fists tight.

“The west facing gate hangs a mighty warrior’s head. It’s the commander of the Tsing Yi army, General Jiu’s head!”

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