My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 503 This place is totally inexhaustible

Mykael opened a golden portal and said to Nolan: “It’s time for you to train without restraint, Nolan, otherwise your ability that makes you so special will never develop, and if you want to be able to continue to protect Ashton and the people you love, it’s time for you to stop trying to control it and use its full potential.”

He motioned for the boys to step through the portal and he said to Nolan: “Come, and I’ll show you your true potential!”


In a dimension created especially for Mage training, Colin then said to Kevin: “We only have an hour so don’t waste time, use your Stage 2 directly to absorb as many elemental particles as possible and…”

He then made dozens and dozens of large purple crystals appear all around Kevin and he told him: “Try to focus more on the darkness particles because your summoning spells will be extremely useful to us during the battle, only to be able to use them you will have to master them first.

Summoning Dead knights and Dead Cerberus is completely different and you need to be able to train yourself to control them as quickly as possible.”

Kevin wanted to ask him a lot of questions as usual, especially about summoning spells, but he held back because as Colin had just reminded him, he could only stay here for an hour.

So he activated his Stage 2 and immediately began to absorb the particles of elements he could see indiscriminately.

He suddenly exclaimed right after he started: “This is amazing, I’ve never seen such a high concentration of particles of all the elements before…”

Colin laughed when he heard Kevin’s exclamation of surprise and he said with a smirk: “This dimension was created by Miguel in order to help mages absorb as many elemental particles as possible when meditating in it, so enjoy yourself because no matter how many particles you are able to absorb, more will immediately appear to replace them, this place is totally inexhaustible.”

Kevin smirked too and he decided to focuse his attention more on the darkness particles, but not exclusively, and Colin then asked him: “How much time do you need to be able to use your Stage 3 again?”

Kevin replied without hesitation: “3 hours and 30 minutes, and I can hold it for 1 minute and 15 seconds now.”

Colin nodded and told him: “That’s good, you will be able to use it then at the end of the hour of training, that minute will definitely make a big difference, I can’t wait to see that.”

Kevin just nodded, and Colin who saw the elemental particles attracted like magnets by Kevin, disappearing after being absorbed by him, focused on Ashton again and he said to him: “Follow me Ashton, it’s better to get some distance from Kevin or your meditation will be affected.”

And when they were far enough away from Kevin, Colin said to him, first making a large yellow crystal appear on the ground: “This crystal is filled with particles of wind, and it is the easiest element for a mage to create an affinity with.

Put your hands on it and try to absorb the particles inside it.”

Ashton then sat down on the ground in front of this huge yellow crystal and he put both his hands on it to be able to absorb the yellow particles that were inside.

He focused all his attention on this crystal and it took him only a few seconds to go into a meditation phase.

As he was in direct contact with the wind elemental crystal, he immediately saw the thousands of yellow particles that were inside and he could not hold back a smile because it was the first time that he saw them.

And now that he could see them, he just had to attract them to him…

According to Kevin, he just needed to absorb 200 of them to be able to create an affinity with this element and once he had created this affinity, their absorption would become easier and he would be able to absorb them from anywhere and use this element at will.

He immediately calmed the excitement that was building up in him because he had to stay focused, and he realized that it wasn’t that easy to attract these particles to him.

Colin then said to him: “Don’t try to attract too many of them to you, start by concentrating your attention on 2 or 3 particles, then on 4 and 5 and you will see that the more you absorb, the more easily they will come to you.”

Ashton immediately followed Colin’s advice and instead of trying to attract a large amount of these particles to him, he concentrated on the particles that were closest to him and finally began to absorb them.

As Colin had just told him, at first he could only absorb 2 or 3 particles at a time but once he had absorbed about 20 of them, he could start to absorb more, and when he had absorbed about 100 particles, he felt another change and he could now absorb them 10 by 10.

When he finally absorbed the 200 yellow particles needed, Colin who had been watching him closely all this time, saw a yellow glow appear stealthily in his eyes and he then immediately told him: “Congratulations Ashton, you have just obtained your affinity with the wind element, let’s move on to the fire element now, you can continue to improve the wind element during the next trainings.”

Ashton immediately came out of his meditation phase and with a determined voice, he said: “Alright, let’s continue!”

Colin smiled at him and after retrieving the yellow crystal, he made a red one appear in its place and he told him: “Do exactly the same as with the wind particles and you should be able to create an affinity with the fire element too.”

Ashton just nodded and he focused on this new crystal filled with fire particles.

He immediately frowned as the amount of red particles he could see, even with direct contact with the crystal, was much less than the yellow particles he had seen earlier.

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