Gangster System: I Will Become The Greatest Gangster!

Chapter 64 Face-Off

With a hefty cast on his left arm and his desire to fight reignited, Xavier was itching to get back into the cage.

He had gotten the doctor to make the cast as durable as he possibly could and it was nearly as double as thick as it should be, which made him feel more comfortable going into his next fights.

Not only would it protect his injured wrist and arm, but it could also be used to block punches and strike with occasionally, but he would rather not use the arm if he could avoid it.

Even with the cast, any impact would rattle his injury and hurt greatly, while it was already in constant pulsating pain.

The doctor had even prescribed him some strong pain killers, but he refused to take them, not wanting them to dull his senses, or have to rely on them.

And since they wouldn\'t have any direct positive effects other than help deal with the pain, he would rather not take them, even if he wasn\'t going into a fight.

He could endure the pain in general, and once he started to fight, the adrenaline rush and heat of battle would wipe all the pain he felt away.

While after he had won his third fight, he would be rewarded with the Rapid Recovery, so his injuries would quickly recover, much faster than any normal person.

So, there was no need to worry and Xavier was mentally preparing himself to fight, as he got up to go and join Achara in the viewing room and watch some fights while resting.

However, unlike what he was expecting, the line-up of matches had been changed, and after merely one fight had been completed, his fight had been scheduled with an unknown opponent.

But despite being surprised by suddenly being called to fight, he wasn\'t against it and wouldn\'t have liked to sit around for too long anyway, as it\'s better to get it over with so that he could sleep and rest.


Following the man that had called him to fight and was escorting him away, Xavier composed himself as the doctor frantically tried to persuade him to change his mind.

"Come on. At least rest for a while longer."

"Sorry doc, I can\'t. But don\'t worry about me and just watch. You\'ll be treating the other guy soon enough," he reassured him before walking off.

The doctor gave up and knew that there was no way he could persuade that stubborn man, but he wished him luck and couldn\'t help but be curious as to how his battle would turn out.

He was so confident in himself that it almost made him believe that he truly could win two more matches in the state he was in, but logically speaking, it just didn\'t make sense to him.

Even professionals wouldn\'t take three fights in one night, not because they couldn\'t, but with each fight, their skills would start to falter and one\'s body could only handle so much damage.

And yet Xavier was planning on taking on three fights in a single night, despite it being his first fight in a cage setting.


Xavier wasn\'t sure how he would fare against the top professionals in the world when following their rules, since their talent, years of experience and training were hard to overcome.

However, in a street fight or illegal fight club fight, there were minimal rules, and no gloves or protective gear were worn, so it was very different.

And in such fights, most had nothing to lose or were fighting with their life on the line, so would fight until their bodies couldn\'t any longer.

Making them much more dangerous to participate in.

But even with a broken wrist and already fighting one fight, Xavier nonchalantly walked into the cage and didn\'t show any signs of worry or fear, as the crowd began to cheer.

He could tell that the audience had mixed feelings, since he had just fought a battle and injured himself in the process, but since he was brave enough to fight a second time and had shown he was capable, it was hard not to be engaged in his fight.

And when his opponent was announced, they became even more excited.

It was a boxer who previously fought professional bouts, but was very quiet and didn\'t have a particularly entertaining character, so despite his skills, found it hard to get the attention needed to draw in money to his fights.

And so his career hadn\'t gone great as a boxer.

Even though he won his first 10 fights without a hitch, he was barely being paid and had to work a second job just to get by, until he decided to quit and was introduced to a few small illegal fight clubs.

Eventually, he worked his way up to the Wild Dog Fight Club, the biggest and best in the city, that not just anyone could fight in it.

All fights were supposed to be high level, so none of the fighters in the Wild Dog Fighting Club could be underestimated, and even though he wasn\'t on the rankings, he wasn\'t far off.

He was also relatively new to the fight club, so for him to already be quite well known, his skills should be at least on the level of those at the bottom of the ranking.

Which Xavier took note of.


"What a match-up! Speedy Sam against The Unstoppable Beast!"

"Two newcomers with great skills that will fight it out for the vacated spot on the rankings after the Juggernaut was taken down."

Just from his opponent\'s fighter name, stance, and physique, it was clear that he focused on fast punches and Xavier could see extreme focus in his opponent\'s eyes as they faced off against each other.

It was an intense face-off and, unlike the Juggernaut, this opponent remained silent as he shuffled around and warmed himself up, until the announcer had finished hyping up their match.

"So, Sam, want to make a bet?" offered Xavier.

"You\'ve already fought once, so it would be unfair. And I just want to get my pay and go home," he answered plainly, not appearing interested in the slightest.

"How about this? I\'ll give you my pay for this match if you win. And if you lose, you listen to a proposition of mine."

Xavier\'s dull opponent was confused and surprised by Xavier\'s proposal.

"Is that it? I don\'t have anything to lose in this bet, but you do. If you\'re serious, then I would like to accept."

He spoke surprisingly formally and was quiet, with quite a likeable character.

\'All that\'s left is to test his skills.\'

If he truly lived up to his name, then he would be a good addition to the Outlaw Gang, and in the Wild Dog Fight Club, Xavier had a large pool of talent to pick out of.

And most of them sought money, fame or thrill, which were three things he could certainly offer those that joined his gang.


The announcer was very skilled at riling up the crowd and getting them engaged in the fights, then after a few minutes, it was finally time for Xavier\'s second fight to begin, and his opponent was the first to attack.

Usually being the one to strike first and gain the upper hand off the bat, Xavier never expected to be beaten in terms of speed...

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