Super Gene

Chapter 2516 - Gold Armor General

Chapter 2516: Gold Armor General

Dragon One and Dia Robber knew many people were watching them, but they didn’t care.

Killing the Gold Armor General was an incredibly ambitious goal, and it would be a cooperative effort. Keeping their preparations under wraps would be almost impossible, so they didn’t bother to try.

“Brother Dollar, according to the plan, we will deal with the Gold Armor General. All you need to do is find the right opportunity for your attack. You need to have pinpoint accuracy. If the opportunity is squandered, there won’t be a second chance,” Dragon One reminded Han Sen.

Dragon One wasn’t trying to be annoying; this was simply a huge deal. The Dragon had already paid a high price for this operation. And the thousand King class xenogeneic genes he was giving Han Sen was not a small sum. They couldn’t afford to waste so much preparation and resources.

“Sure.” Han Sen nodded.

He wasn’t someone who usually took on employers, but they really were paying him a lot of xenogeneic genes. It wasn’t difficult to give them verbal confirmation, once again, that he would do his job. He had to satisfy their anxiety.


“Crown prince, Dragon One and Dia Robber are going now,” Nightmare Knight said, as he bowed before Bai Wan Jie.

“Let’s go. Let us see how much they can accomplish.” Bai Wan Jie moved out to lead the members of royal knights towards the region that the Gold General Armor occupied.


“My lady, this place is very popular. There are many familiar faces around.” A small ship was parked near a mountain that looked like an asteroid. Little Butterfly, the maid, looked out across the galaxy and spoke.

“Killing the Gold Armor General is a huge goal. It is understandable that Kings and half-deifieds from all over have come to watch. Who wouldn’t want to be here in case they discover so way to take advantage of the situation?” the yellow-clothed woman asked in a toneless voice.

“Are you saying that they’ve come to steal the Gold Armor General from Dragon One?” Little Butterfly was shocked.

“Not quite, but most people are sure to have that thought in their minds,” the yellow-clothed woman said. Her eyes brightened. Dragon One and Dia Robber entered the system.

The yellow-clothed woman looked at Dragon One and then at Dia Robber. Then, her eyes stopped on a person wearing pitch-black armor. His face was hidden.

“Is that Dollar?” the yellow-clothed woman asked herself. She stared at him.

As the woman focused on him, he suddenly turned around and seemed to look back at her. The woman was stunned. The man in black armor had turned his head in her direction, but he didn’t even pause as he continued flying forward with the others.

“Does he know that I was watching him, or was that just a coincidence?” The woman frowned.

She had looked at Han Sen with her eyes, not activating any special abilities. Even a deified creature shouldn’t have been able to tell she was watching him.

But it seemed like the figure in black armor had turned to meet her gaze. Whether it was on purpose or an accident was unknown.

“Maybe I’m overthinking this.” The woman shook her head. Her body and geno arts were special. Noticing her gaze should have been impossible.

Han Sen had been flying forward with the others when he felt as if he was being watched. Although many people were keeping an eye on them, this particular stare felt different. That was why Han Sen turned to take a look.

When he looked, all he saw was a belt of asteroids. He knew the watcher was somewhere among the floating rocks, but he also knew that the stare hadn’t been hostile. Because it seemed non-threatening, Han Sen didn’t spend much time searching.

The woman watched for a while and frowned. Even with her eyesight, she couldn’t tell the strength of Han Sen’s genes. This surprised her.

“This Dollar is intriguing. I cannot wait to see the limit of his power,” the woman murmured to herself with interest.

After Dragon One and the others entered the system, they headed for a meteorite. The Gold Armor General always stayed near asteroids. It was a space xenogeneic, so it wasn’t interested in living on a planet.

Han Sen was ordered to wait near the outer edge of the asteroids. Dragon One and Dia Robber went deeper into the asteroid belt where the asteroids were clustered more tightly. There were too many of the rocks for Han Sen to could accurately. But not long later, a gold swordlight flashed through the asteroids, parting them.

And then, Han Sen saw Dragon One and the others retreat from the asteroid belt. Following them was a three-meter-tall golden body.

The gold body wasn’t very large, but it was obscenely powerful. The gold armor made the being look like a robot. It seemed heavy and powerful, and there were many gold cogwheels and pipes across its surface. It was like a gold robot warrior.

On its back was a red cape that looked as if it had been made of blood. Its hands were clutching a gold greatsword, and the blade of the sword was taller than the fiend’s body.

That greatsword was different from normal greatswords, too. Instead of being a single piece of metal, the inner portion of the blade was filled with gold cogwheels. The outer edge of the blade was serrated like a saw.

When the gold cogwheels inside the blade spun, the teeth on the edge of the blade began to rotate. It was like a giant gold chainsaw.

In the center of the sword was a yellow crystal. It looked like it held the essence of lightning inside it. It was the type of lightning that struck when things were born.

Looking at the Gold Armor General was a very weird experience. It seemed both lifelike and soulless, just like a robot. It was hard to say if it was a living thing or an actual robot.

This was the first time Han Sen had seen a xenogeneic as special as this. He had encountered many metallic xenogeneics before, but it was a first for him to see a xenogeneic that was half biological and half robotic.

Seeing its blood cape and saw-like greatsword, he knew the enemy was very unique.

The Gold Armor General’s eyes flashed gold. Due to the fact it had a helmet, Han Sen couldn’t tell if the enemy had a mouth. But he didn’t hear it make a sound as it swung its sword at Dragon One.

Han Sen could see clearly that the creature’s gold greatsword was like a saw. The swordlight it unleashed spun like mad. It looked as if it could cut through the fabric of space. Wherever the swordlight went, space would break and cracks would form in the nether.

But when it slashed downwards, cracks spread rapidly through space until they looked like galaxies in the sky.

The swordlight came for Dragon One. At the speed they were moving, Dragon One and his party would be unable to dodge swordlights like those.

As Han Sen wondered how Dragon One was going to block that scary swordlight, a half-deified Destroyed opened his area. It wrapped around Dragon One and the others, then disappeared. The next second, Dragon One and the others reappeared right next to the Gold Armor General.

“Group Galaxy Teleport,” Han Sen breathed in surprise. He didn’t know the Destroyed had geniuses like that.

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