New Game+

Chapter 612 Alliance with Cecilia

"Arpachshad traces his lineage to Shem. The eldest son of Noah. Nimrod is from another son of Nimrod. Ham gave birth to Cush, Mizraim, which the Bible translates as Egypt in most translations, Put, and Canaan." Seeker told his companions.

Cecilia was confused at the sudden discussion.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked as she slowly stood up.

Her Throne was providing her with life-support but now, the cold energy that Seeker sent was allowing her to stand.

"Cecilia. I am to assume that your actions of disconnecting yourself from the Throne are because you want to ally with us."

"Yes. I\'ve served Principal Dormin all my life. I know when he\'s flustered. That desperation. That generosity. It\'s all unnatural. You have shaken a Principal and if anyone can help me live through this, it would be you."

"Good. Then we are allies. For now, I\'ll give you just enough so you can keep up with this discussion."

Electricity gathered in Seeker\'s hand, and he reached out his hand to Cecilia.

Cecilia was surprised but did not move. She felt no enmity in Seeker\'s reach.

"Egypt and Canaan? As in the nations? So Nimrod\'s other brothers were later the father of their nations, just as Nimrod was. What a formidable family..." Rai praised.

"But how is this important?" Jake asked.

Seeker continued to dump the electric energy to install the memory into Cecilia\'s brain.

"Pokemon... Emerald?"

"Err. Yes. I meant to give you that as some peace offering, but ignore that for now. How is your biblical knowledge? We\'re talking about Genesis 10. Can you catch up?"

Cecilia was amazed as her memories started to increase.

"This is like Marrho\'s Living Lightning!"


Cecilia closed her eyes and began to understand.

"Amazing. Your stories match many of our lives. Is it really possible? We are from Earth?"

"Pridgeon and Garenjazz think so. Those who invested in the past history of your society would easily see this. Those two had taken Presider Claims to get the history of your world and took advantage of it in the battles of Earth. In the end, we won, but as you can see, such knowledge is very important. We can\'t tell you everything now because we do not trust you. But we will say this... This finger holds great power, and through us, it may be possible to awaken it." Seeker explained.

"How?" Irvana asked.

"Genesis chapter nine. Ham sees Noah naked while the two brothers cover their father\'s nakedness. It seems rather immature, but Noah curses Hem. Specifically, he cursed Canaan and said that this would be the servants of Shem and Japheth\'s descendants."

"In other words, you believe that Arpachshad, the firstborn of Shem, will have a physical body that has mysterious blessings?" Rai asked.

"Yes. We\'ve seen the powers that alter the dimensions beyond. Primes and the Primordial could do these things and say a word and cause the entire universe to bend to the will of the one speaking. In the Post Modern era, there were several movements that believed this thing and would tell you to speak things and the Universe will follow."

"And you believe that to be true?"

"I don\'t believe that mere humans could alter the dimensions by speaking things. It might be Eagle\'s influence, but I\'m inclined to believe that prayers work to some degree. We communicate with the being that easily defeated Nimrod, the Primordial, and sent him packing to another galaxy. But what we have here are instances that the Bible records. Remember what he told us! There should be value in the blessings and curses! This is a lineage that was the first being born on Earth after the Flood and had the same power of physique that Nimrod has if we are to believe that pre-flood humans were more powerful and had greater vitality!"

"But... Prince Dormin said he couldn\'t find anything." Cecilia interjected.

"You\'re confident that you can?"

"Yes. A body that\'s not cursed. If we can harness this finger\'s power, then it proves that this could have been the foundation of the Lost Primordial\'s rise to power! We have to convene with the rest. Everywhere will be chaos. With Vender\'s actions, the battle will spill out into this world. And there is the issue of what Prince Dormin showed you!"

"Yes. What did you see?"

"I saw... numerous possibilities. Years of memories all jammed into my head. It\'s vague... But I can tell the flow of events. I never believed that such powers would be capable!"

"Being a Principal is someone fighting against the future. Time travel is possible. It\'s a long story, but even if possible, it\'s easy to defeat. It could have already happened numerous times, but the fire was just extinguished before it began. So what did he see?"

"There are... numerous things that you could have been doing. He showed me a very wide scope of possibilities. But none of them seem to have taken into account Vender\'s actions..."

"Alright. For now, I\'ll head over to Vender and get them. Obviously, we have to play by the visions of the Principal. If we leave his radar, he might try to do something that will greatly change the future."

"I have a feeling that he already is. Cecilia may not be the only surviving Presider. I sense it. Following Cecilia feels... dangerous." Jake added.

Cecilia gave Jake a surprised look while the rest turned to Seeker.

"Does this mean that we shouldn\'t follow Cecilia?" Jake asked.

"No. Out of the question. We have to follow her visions." Seeker decided.

"But what if... this is the Principal\'s plan? What if he knew that we would be here and played dumb?" Irvana asked.

"Yeah! What if this is part of his plan to keep us following the vision?"

"I\'m confident he doesn\'t know. Because the key to this entire matter isn\'t within this team. It\'s with Vender. He would immediately make a different offer if he knew he was here. He lived knowing the future for a long time. We broke this vision of his. He would have demanded to find the cause of this trouble. But he didn\'t." Seeker explained.

"We\'ll need to ask Lowengren and the rest. We still can\'t rule out the fact that the Principal could be lying. Still, I\'m inclined to follow your plan. We are going to follow the vision and let Cecilia \'trick us\' into following certain routes."

"Exactly. Now, let\'s go get Vender, and on our way out. I\'m thinking, injuring a Presider. If possible, we\'ll kill one!"

"What?! That\'s not within the future that the Principal showed me!" Cecilia cursed.

"You just literally said we should follow the visions of Cecilia, and the first thing you want to do is kill a Presider! No wonder people call you Crazy Carlean!" Jake cursed.

"He doesn\'t expect Cecilia to immediately accomplish the task just yet." Rai corrected.

"The Principal probably expects Cecilia to fail the first few events. Think! Would it be shocking if Cecilia fails to meet us the first time she reaches out and offer an alliance with us?" Rai challenged.

"I see. So this small gap is the perfect time for us to go crazy. We change the future as much as possible here before we start following his vision!" Irvana nodded.

"I guess it\'s a good plan. As expected of the ones that defeated Garenjazz..." Cecilia muttered.

"Who will you target? There are two Presiders within the outer crust."

"Are there any other possible surviving Presiders just like you?" Seeker asked.

"...There should be. Many powerful ones had legacies that would have surely allowed them to survive. I won\'t be surprised that even the ones I saw die would appear." Cecilia answered.

Seeker and Rai gave Cecilia an annoyed look.

"You\'re not very smart without your throne, are you?" Seeker frowned.


"Your newly acquired memories of the future. Use it."

"Ri-right!" Cecilia closed her eyes and began to recall.

"...Five! Five Presiders survived? That\'s amazing!" Cecilia explained.

"Anyone close by?"

"One is masquerading as a Pioneer. He holds a city."

"Which one?"

"The very one your friends attacked!"

"...Huh. Damn. Vender\'s power is scary." Seeker attributed the luck to Vender\'s ability.

"Then it\'s settled. Let\'s go after that one!" Rai nodded.


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