VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 892: The Vase

Chapter 892: The Vase

Translator: alyschu


After I flew away from the arena and returned to the waiting room, the girls congratulated me, "Well done, Lu Chen! You won!"

I strode into the room with my head held high. "Easy peasy. Silent Storm is at Blue Sky Scar’s level at most. My chances of winning lag-free is 100%..."

"You immodest fellow..." He Yi smiled indulgently like a mother would to her spoiled child.

A blinking Butterfly Dance gave her analysis, "Seriously though, Lu Chen is so amazing! Do you guys know why Silent Storm is as strong as he is? His two offensive skills, Fire Punch and Qigong Bomb, can destroy almost everyone in Wind City. The only ones who can survive the combo are Candlelight Shadow, Luo River God of the Capital and Indigo Collar. However, his trump card couldn’t threaten Lu Chen, and from that point onward, his fate is as good as sealed. Hehe, Lu Chen truly deserves to be called a maxed out Divine General!"

Her praise made me feel even taller. "In terms of praising others you’re pretty good yourself, beauty Butterfly Dance..."

Murong Mingyue curled her lips and sighed indulgently. "Sigh, I swear, if you weren’t as likeable as you are..."

Beiming Xue: "..."

He Yi: "..."

It was at this moment Lian Xin pulled He Yi’s hand and said with a smile, "It’s your turn now, boss. Show that mage who’s boss, okay?"

He Yi raised her Seven Star Veluriyam Spear and declared with a smile, "I will. Just watch, I’ll be back in no time!"


He Yi’s opponent was Scarlet Melody, a mage with very good level and equipment. Unfortunately, of all the players he could’ve gone up against, it had to be He Yi. Sure, if this was half a year ago, Scarlet Melody’s chances of winning against He Yi would be infinitely close to 100%, but now? Ever since Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls rose to power, He Yi had spent an incredible amount of time honing her skills against the likes of top-tier experts like Gui Guzi, Beiming Xue, Li Chengfeng and Chaos Moon. She might not be super-tier yet, but she was definitely first-rate and not too far behind Gui Guzi. The comparison might be a little unfair though, since Gui Guzi was your classic willpower-over-technique player.

He Yi observed every inch of the terrain closely after she entered the battlefield. Not only were the maps randomly selected, the details of the map were procedurally generated as well. That was why a good player would always strive to grasp the terrain first before actually fighting their opponent.

Scarlet Melody wore a fiery red robe and wielded a scepter. After appearing on the battlefield, he ogled He Yi for a moment before commenting, "What a bilf..."

The taunt was successful, and our beautiful guild leader immediately pointed her spear at Scarlet Melody furiously. "Do you want to die?"

Scarlet Melody laughed. "There’s this saying called ‘big boobs, no brain’, and it looks like it isn’t completely baseless. You can’t possibly be a classic example of this saying, right, From Water? Immortal Slayer Alliance may have been defeated, but we aren’t losing this match no matter what. You didn’t hear wrong, I’m saying I can trash a vase like you with my eyes closed!"

But contrary to his expectations, He Yi actually calmed down and let her spear hang loosely beside her mount. She said indifferently, "Scarlet Melody, is it? You may delete your account if you lose this battle."

"Hmph! You think I wouldn’t dare to accept your bet?"

The red mage stared at He Yi dagger eyes as he said, "What about you, From Water? Do you dare to delete your account if you lose?"

"And why would I do that?" He Yi retorted calmly, "You’re the one who insulted me first. Plus, I am sure I can destroy someone like you in a minute tops!"

"Let’s see how long you can keep up that boast!" Scarlet Melody blustered with bitter resentment.


Meanwhile in the waiting room, I could barely control my rage as I swore, "Who the fuck does this retarded Scarlet Melody think he is? Does he think it’s cool to make personal attacks before a fight or something? When the WEL is over, I’m going to fucking murder this dirty-mouthed scoundrel until he deletes his account!"

Murong Mingyue chuckled and said, "Calm down. Not everyone holds themselves to a high standard like you, not to mention that it’s impossible to not wet your feet if you keep walking along the riverside. Unless you want to lower yourself to his level, I suggest you bring me with you when you assist that intellectually inferior subhuman dog in his account removal process..."

Me: "..."


While we were talking, He Yi and Scarlet Melody’s battle had already begun. He Yi ate a couple of Fireballs in the process while she was weaving left and right—she healed the damage with Winds of Recovery—but for every Fireball she took, she retaliated with two quick taps that ate away at Scarlet Melody’s Magic Shield.

Remains clenched his fists tightly as he asked, "Why is Beauty From Water dragging this out when she could’ve just deleted that fucker’s Magic Shield with a skill combo?"

The corner of my lips turned up as I explained, "Contrary to Scarlet Melody’s claims, Eve’s brain is just as big as her boobs. Very big... ahem. The reason she’s using basic attacks to deplete his Magic Shield is because she’s saving her skills for the moment it breaks so that she can guarantee a one-shot. In terms of tactics and psychological warfare, Eve is leagues ahead of most people."

Murong Mingyue glared at me. "And how would you know how big Eve’s breasts are? Speak! Did you feel her up already!?"

"I did not!" My face turned red as I defended myself. "At least, not yet..."

Murong Mingyue’s glare didn’t diminish in the slightest, however. "And why haven’t you, you limp dick? Eve could very well be waiting for you to take a move, and you’re taking your time like the slowest tortoise in the entire world! Pooh! Also how dare you talk back against me so loudly!"

I turned even redder.

A giggling Beiming Xue pulled my hand and chided me, "Big bro, how many times did I tell you not to quarrel with Sister Mingyue? You’ll never be a match for her..."

"I know..."

It was at this moment the situation on the battlefield changed suddenly. Scarlet Melody was kiting He Yi with Ice Arrows and depleting her HP steadily with Exploding Flame Spells—in fact, He Yi’s HP had dropped to 35% already—when the magic knight suddenly took action the moment they crossed each other’s path. After destroying the mage’s Magic Shield with a basic attack, she unleashed a near instantaneous Barrier Break + Triple Slash combo and skewered Scarlet Melody into a beehive!

He Yi won the first battle with almost no suspense at all.

The second battle was almost a perfect copy of the first battle since Scarlet Melody couldn’t find a way to defeat He Yi’s calm and methodical battle tactic at all. Right before he was about to die, He Yi finally allowed her anger to leak onto her features and declared, "Delete your account as you promised, Scarlet Melody, or I will find you and kill you until you’re Level 0. I promise you that it’ll only hurt more that way!"


Her spear penetrated the mage’s chest and ended his life. Then, she immediately teleported out of the battlefield as if she couldn’t bear to stand his presence even a second longer.


After she returned to the waiting room, He Yi planted her spear’s shaft on the floor and huffed heavily, causing her big, white mounds to jiggle seductively behind her elegant armor. She said angrily while the rest of us were trying to not notice how hot she looked when she was angry, "That idiot! There’s nothing I hate more than being called a vase..."

I pumped my own fist and said, "Yeah! That guy is soooo disgusting..."

He Yi shot me a glance and burst into laughter. "You couldn’t be any more fake if you tried..."

The girls giggled for a moment before Beiming Xue said, "Alright, it’s our turn now, big bro!"

"I know. Let’s settle this in one minute tops!"

"What’s the plan?"

"I can instakill Silent Storm in one second if you stun him with Shock Arrow, so let’s do that. As for Scarlet Melody, that guy is just a small fry, so no tactic is necessary."

"Got it!"


After we teleported onto the battlefield, we saw a still resentful Scarlet Melody saying to Silent Storm on the opposite side of the barrier, "That was mine, Storm. I... I should’ve been able to take out that little bitch!"

However, Silent Storm shocked him by yelling at him furiously, "Shut the hell up, you idiot! What the hell did From Water ever do to you to call her a vase? If a ‘vase’ like her could kick your ass, then what the hell do you think you are? If I were you, I would delete my account as per the bet and save myself some dignity while I still can! God dammit, how the fuck did I party someone like you for the WEL?"

Scarlet Melody’s mouth fell open. "Storm... you!"

Silent Storm uttered through gritted teeth, "I, what? I never liked crazy dogs who bite people for no fucking reason! Sure, Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls may be an enemy guild, but whoever said you can’t show them some basic fucking respect! Is it so hard to abide by some basic rules of fairness and friendliness? If you can discard your principles like nothing because ‘it’s just a game’, then what does that really say about your character? A game should be an experience that you’ll appreciate for the rest of your life when you look back because of the friends and enemies you will have made along the way, not a trashcan you’ll never want to see again for the rest of your life!"

Scarlet Melody murmured, "Did I really... make a mistake?"

Silent Storm calmed down and shook his head. "I don’t know. We’ll be disqualified after this last 2v2 battle anyway. You just get ready to delete your account after this is over!"

Scarlet Melody: "..."


I couldn’t help but feel respect for Silent Storm after listening to their conversation. A man who could put down his losses as easily as he picked up his victories was a true man!

"Let’s finish this quick, Beiming. Unnecessary suffering is unnecessary..." I said.

Beiming nodded. "Got it, big bro..."

The moment the countdown began, Beiming Xue surprised all of us by trapping Silent Storm and Scarlet Melody with Well of the Abyss!

When the skill duration was over, she fired Evil Spirit Volley and Skypiercer before the two could escape from the bloody vortex!

Thud thud thud!

Scarlet Melody was shredded into pieces after his Magic Shield was destroyed. Silent Storm managed to Guard the damage, but took a Shock Arrow for his efforts and was stunned for 3 seconds straight!

I seized the opportunity to close the distance with Thunderous Charge and use Burning Blade Slash!

Silent Storm let out a muffled groan and flew to the back. Just like that, the first point was ours.

During the second battle, Silent Storm learned from his mistake and arranged himself and Scarlet Melody on the corners of the map. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to escape Beiming Xue’s pursuit, and her arrows chased after their bodies like homing missiles. Then, my Purple Ying Sword descended upon them like a weapon from the heavens and expelled them from the arena one after another.


That was how we won the 11th round with a perfect 5:0—or 11:0 if you counted the individual battles—score!

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