Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 256: Clam Dragon Church

Chapter 256: Clam Dragon Church

In the modified military-green jeep outside Tarnan General Hospital.

Jiang Baimian sat in the passenger seat and turned her body to ask Shang Jianyao and the others, “Any thoughts?”

Long Yuehong voiced his guess before Shang Jianyao could. “That Superior Heartless’s ability should be the creation of illusions. Therefore, Ninth Zhang treated his companions as monsters, treated them as dragons, and made a huge mistake. This resulted in a complete mental breakdown in the aftermath.”

After saying that, he realized that nobody added to this or refuted him. He felt a little nervous and took the initiative to ask, “What do you think?”

“From the information we have gathered so far, this is the most likely possibility.” Jiang Baimian gave an affirmative answer. She then smiled and praised, “Your analysis and judgment of matters are improving.”

Amidst Long Yuehong’s joy and embarrassment, Shang Jianyao said, “Can smart robots also be affected by illusions?”

“Yes, the biggest problem now is why communication with the ten robot guards was lost,” echoed Bai Chen.

Jiang Baimian thought for a moment and said, “This depends on what the Superior Heartless’s ability is. If it creates illusions by disturbing the senses, the smart robots will definitely not be deceived. Their sensory systems are completely different from humans. However, if the Superior Heartless directly distorts the environmental information and tampers with the corresponding signals to create illusions, the smart robots might not be spared.”

She paused and muttered to herself, “But why did Ninth Zhang see a dragon? Under normal circumstances, people who have never come into contact with such information can’t imagine a dragon of their own accord... Could it be that the Superior Heartless created a dragon? Why did it create a dragon?”

Upon hearing this, Shang Jianyao’s eyes lit up. “I know where there are dragons!”

“Where?” Jiang Baimian vaguely guessed the answer.

“In the Clam Dragon Church’s cathedral,” Shang Jianyao replied firmly.

“Have you been inside?” The person asking the question wasn’t Jiang Baimian but Long Yuehong.

“No.” Shang Jianyao shook his head and said boldly, “I guessed it.”

As Long Yuehong’s lips twitched, Jiang Baimian tersely acknowledged his words. “It’s very normal to have a dragon image in places that worship the Clam Dragon. If Ninth Zhang is a believer of the Clam Dragon Church, the problem will be explained...”

At this point, Jiang Baimian suddenly exclaimed, “Which Kalendaria does the Clam Dragon Church worship?”

“November’s Kalendaria, Shattered Mirror,” answered Bai Chen—who was driving.

“What’s ‘His’ other title?” Jiang Baimian asked.

Bai Chen fell silent for a second before replying in unison with Long Yuehong. “Goddess of Illusions!”

Shang Jianyao nodded, indicating that it was so.

“That’s interesting,” Jiang Baimian said excitedly and solemnly. “That Superior Heartless’s ability is suspected to be illusion creation. Ninth Zhang also saw a dragon...”


She clapped her hands and said to Bai Chen, “Let’s go to the Clam Dragon Church’s cathedral.”

Long Yuehong was a little nervous. “Isn’t it bad to go over directly?”

“Then, how do you want to go over?” Shang Jianyao asked very cooperatively.

“Find Mayor Genava and bring a few robot guards with us.” Long Yuehong felt that this was the safest plan.

“Not bad. You know how to sing the opposite tune now that your wings have hardened!” The person who said this wasn’t Jiang Baimian but Shang Jianyao.

Jiang Baimian was stunned for a second before she reprimanded angrily, “Where did you learn these lines? From a radio program?”

“No.” Shang Jianyao categorically denied it.

Jiang Baimian—who knew that he wouldn’t lie about such matters—was immediately a little curious. “Where did you learn that?”

Long Yuehong vaguely felt that something was amiss, but he didn’t know what.

The next second, he saw Shang Jianyao laugh. “I learned it while watching Little Red’s mother beat him up.”

“F*ck...” Long Yuehong cursed. This was the downside of having bad company grow up together with him. He had been wondering why those words sounded so familiar!

Jiang Baimian held in her laughter and didn’t continue the topic. She simply explained, “It’s easier to create a tense atmosphere by bringing the robot guards along; it will promote conflict. Our goal in going over is only to ask if Ninth Zhang is a believer of the Clam Dragon Church.

“Uh, we should be asking the Clam Dragon Church’s bishop, I guess? What he thinks of the Superior Heartless in the southwest mountains, and what suggestions he has on how to see through the illusion? These aren’t sensitive questions; there’s no need to make a fuss.”

“That’s true.” Long Yuehong was convinced.

Furthermore, there were surveillance cameras that could speak everywhere in broad daylight.


The Clam Dragon Church’s Sanctuary was located at the northernmost end of Riverfront Avenue. It wasn’t a cathedral but a pavilion with ancient Ashlandic vibes. It had white walls and black tiles.

The horizontal signboard above was: “Nanke Convent.”

Behind the open, brown wooden door was an impluvium. On the other end of the impluvium was a hall pavilion with many cloud-like patterns.

In the hall pavilion, there were wooden beams above. Below them were rows of black recliners. Deep inside was a shrine, and inside the shrine were dragon symbols embedded with shattered mirrors.

At this moment, a few believers were sitting in chairs with their eyes closed and praying.

Before Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao, and the others could approach the female clergyman in front of the shrine, she rushed over.

This clergyman wasn’t too old and looked to be in her late twenties. She wore a white robe with the Old World’s classical style and had a hemp rope tied around her waist.

Her hair was black and bright, which draped down over her shoulders. Her facial features weren’t considered beautiful, but she had an indescribable bearing.

The clergyman swept her gaze across Shang Jianyao and the others before smiling. “You guys are finally here.”

“Huh?” Long Yuehong asked in confusion. He didn’t remember when the Old Task Force had made an appointment with the Clam Dragon Church’s clergymen for a visit.

Could it be... While he was confused, Long Yuehong looked at Shang Jianyao. Could it be that this fellow made an appointment with someone after tasting the Clam Dragon Church’s Holy Communion when he was out on his solo mission?

The female clergyman smiled reassuringly when she saw that Jiang Baimian and the others were a little stunned. “There’s no need to be nervous; it’s normal to be late. Our Church’s Fantasy Era has many important and serious matters to attend to. There are also a few Dream Protectors who are late, and some have even missed the entire process. Alright, let’s hold the induction ritual...”

“Wait a moment.” Shang Jianyao interrupted her. “What’s your Holy Communion?”

“Didn’t I tell you?” the female clergyman asked in confusion. “Our Holy Communion is very simple; it’s just small biscuits made by the Church with honey water.”

“Honey water...” Shang Jianyao hesitated.

At this moment, Jiang Baimian finally couldn’t help but ask, “Did you recognize the wrong people?”

The female clergyman was first stunned before she revealed an embarrassed expression. “This might be the case.”

She laughed dryly and took out a photo from the hidden pocket of her white robe. “Is this really not you? There’s exactly four!”

Jiang Baimian looked over and almost laughed in exasperation.

Apart from the quartet in the photo being Ashlandic and consisting of two men and two women, they didn’t resemble the Old Task Force at all.

In particular, the tallest man looked like a gorilla. How blind could she be to mistake Shang Jianyao for him?

Shang Jianyao actually discussed the matter of entering the Church with the other party without skipping a beat!

The female clergyman looked at the photo and then at the Old Task Force. After repeating it a few times, she finally confirmed that she had recognized the wrong people.

She revealed an embarrassed smile and bowed deeply. “Sorry, I’m bad with faces.”

With that said, she half-raised her body and slightly raised her hands as if she were saluting an existence in the void. “May you please the deity.”

What’s wrong with your religion? There are high-ranking members who love to be late, and there are preachers who are bad with faces... Isn’t this a little too ad-hoc? Long Yuehong had so many things that he was too embarrassed to say when he heard this.

As he scanned the area, he realized that not only did his team leader not mock him, but she also revealed a thoughtful expression.

Th-this is the price an Awakened has to pay? Long Yuehong came to a realization.

Jiang Baimian restrained her emotions and asked seriously, “How should I address you?”

“I’m Nanke Convent’s abbess, Zhou Yue. You can just call me Priestess Zhou.” The female clergyman introduced herself.

Perhaps recalling how unreliable her performance was, she laughed dryly. “Everything is but a dream. Why so serious? Be more casual. Be casual.”

Before Jiang Baimian could respond, Shang Jianyao asked, “I have a question: Why are those Dream Protectors late?”

Abbess Zhou Yue seemed happy that she finally wasn’t the embarrassment. She quickly replied, “Some are lost!”

Upon seeing that the conversation had finally returned to ‘normal,’ Zhou Yue assumed a calm and gentle posture of a charlatan. “How may I help you?”

Jiang Baimian organized her words and inquired, “Abbess Zhou, have you heard about the Superior Heartless in the southwest mountains?”

“I heard. Why? Is there anything I can help you with?” Zhou Yue looked carefree.

Jiang Baimian asked, “Then, do you know the survivor, Zhang Jin? His nickname is Ninth Zhang.”

Zhou Yue thought for a moment. “No. Although I’m bad with faces, I remember names very clearly. He shouldn’t be a member of our Church unless he joined using a fake name.”

“That’s very unlikely,” Shang Jianyao commented in a detective’s tone.

Who ate a fried chicken wing under the name ‘Gu Zhiyong?’ Jiang Baimian’s eyes darted up as she cursed inwardly.

Although there weren’t many such people, there were definitely some!

Jiang Baimian then said to Abbess Zhou Yue, “So here’s the matter. When we asked Ninth Zhang, he said that he treated his companions as monsters after encountering the Superior Heartless and even saw a dragon.”

“Dragon...” Zhou Yue’s expression gradually turned serious.

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