God and Devil World

Chapter 965: Destruction of the VPDC!

Turtle did not make use of its strength to crush its enemy, instead, it channeled its innate ability, and congealed ice shards that shot towards the VPDC.

When those soldiers were struck, their bodies froze into ice sculptures.

The 3 Type 5 Mutant Beasts worked together to block the retreat of the VPDC. Every single moment, there was death happening.

Yao Li Hua watched on helplessly as his soldiers were slaughtered, before his face turned pale with utmost despair, pleading, "Leader Yue Zhong! I’m willing to surrender!! I will take them all to surrender to you!! Please!! Have mercy on us!!"

Yao Li Hua was crafty, at that time, he had killed his own ally, using his head to exchange for a pardon and a chance to negotiate with Yue Zhong. He wanted to do the same now. As long as he could live, he would have a chance.

Yue Zhong’s face was frosty, "It’s too late. I’ve said it, if you didn’t agree, all of you shall die here. No one can save you."

Yao Li Hua screamed out, "Yue Zhong!! Must you be so vicious?! We have over 10,000 men here!! If we give it our all, you will not have it easy either!!"

Yue Zhong replied icily, "Whatever you want to do, in any case, all of you will die here."

Yao Li Hua’s eyes flashed viciously, and he hollered into his loudhailer, "Everyone, listen up!! Since he wants to wipe us out, we shall fight to the death with him!!"

They were forced on the path of no retreat. Upon hearing Yue Zhong’s decline of their surrender, many of them turned crazy and charged at the Reapers and Type 5 Mutant Beasts, hoping to take down them together.

Unfortunately, their weapons did not amount to much, and there was no way to threaten these monstrous entities. At every second, there would be a VPDC member dying, their screams ringing throughout the battlefield. The entire place had become a cruel slaughterhouse.

Gan Tao, whose eye had been dug out by the Vietnamese, watched as Yue Zhong slaughtered his hated enemies, and he was filled with excitement, roaring with laughter while tears streamed down his eyes, "Good!! Good!! Good!! Well-deserved deaths!! Kill all these Vietnamese bastards!! Long live Leader!! Brothers, do you see??!! Leader has avenged your deaths!"

Pan Jin Yong, who was lying on the bed with grievous injuries, saw the images from the frontlines, and was shocked till his eyes went wide, "Powerful... Leader could actually take on an entire army himself. How can a human be so strong?"

By this time, even if Yue Zhong did not use the Thai Nguyen City’s forces, he could still wipe out the 20,000-members of the VPDC. Such strength was basically equivalent to a God.


"He’s too strong!!"

"That’s too terrifying..."


When the members of Yue Zhong’s forces saw this, they were all stunned, not daring to believe their eyes.

After the apocalypse, humans continued to evolve, but amongst the powerful experts, to actually destroy a 20,000-strong army, Yue Zhong was the first.

The cruel slaughter continued from another 3 hours, all the VPDC members were wiped out.

Yao Li Hua was also killed by Lightning with a single swipe while he was fleeing.

After wiping out the entire force of the VPDC, Yue Zhong assigned 500 soldiers from the city to head to the VPDC’s base.

Along the way, Yue Zhong slaughtered anybody that got in his way.

The elite forces of VPDC had been deployed in the battle, and killed by Yue Zhong. Thus, all those who were defending the base were a bunch of riff-raff, some even using melee weapons.

The weapons and ammunition of the VPDC had been provided by the Kingdom of God, which was only enough for 20,000 soldiers. The rest had no choice but to use melee weapons.

Although the Kingdom of God was supporting the VPDC, their focus was still on the Europe side, thus, there was a limit to their help.

The VPDC was also slaughtered cleanly by Yue Zhong, not to mention these melee-users. After over a hundred had died, the rest crumbled and lost all will, fleeing for their lives.

He quickly gained control over the entire base.

After he established his authority, he quickly implemented a curfew, preventing any Vietnamese from leaving their homes, cutting off their contact between one another. He then made many of them leave towards the direction of Thai Nguyen City.

He was infuriated by their betrayal time and time again. Thus, he had come to the decision to enslave these 400,000 Vietnamese, forcing them out of Vietnam to be worked at the various production facilities he had. If they joined his country, he would allow them to be normal citizens. If there was resistance, then they would be slaves their whole lives. In any case, due to the heavy restructuring, there would be a huge manpower requirement everywhere. Slaves would be the cheapest labor force.

After the apocalypse, the human population was enough. These 400,000 was gathered by Yao Li Hua through hard means from the various factions. In one fell swoop, they were snatched away by Yue Zhong and forced to leave. In the Northern parts of Vietnam, there were now little pure-blood Vietnamese.

When the Kingdom of God tried using their 5 armies to attack, Yue Zhong had crushed or obliterated 4 of them, leaving only the force from India that was still advancing.

The India Forces had just entered Tibet when they received news of Russia’s defeat, and they quickly turned tail and retreated like a turtle.

The Kingdom of God had a wide reach, thus there were many spies hidden within Yue Zhong’s forces as well, acting as their eyes and ears.

The sight of the Sky Fortress crushing the Russian forces had stunned the upper echelons of the Kingdom of God. They were not willing to lose their most loyal and heavily invested India Forces fall at the hands of their enemies.

India was abundant in resources, with plenty of humans. Within a year of the apocalypse, the Kingdom of God had its roots set deep in this area.

The various talents that emerged either joined them or were eradicated, thus, the country was tightly within the Kingdom of God’s control.

Of course, due to their immense population, their zombies were also numerous, and the Kingdom of God could not blanket the entire country. Thus, those areas, where they did not control, had several other motley factions that popped up.

Novosibirsk had already replaced Moscow, forming the new capital of Russia after the apocalypse.

Currently, there were many zombies outside the city, and gunshots and cannon fire could be heard.

Tanks, IFVs, machine gun vehicles and other armored vehicles formed a torrent of steel that charged right out at these zombies, annihilating them.

Within the regions, a number of machine guns spat out gunfire, taking down the aerial zombies.

From the horde, H2s and H3s would attack from time to time, while Devourers would charge upfront and tore some of the armored vehicles apart.

The aerial zombies also swooped down and entered the city, attacking the soldiers and citizens, spreading the virus.

The cruel battle continued for a long while, with a mounting toll on the human side, while many zombies were being incinerated in exchange.

The legacies of the country left behind were currently being expended, but there was enough to use, thus each time the horde attacked, the Russian Forces would unleash another volley of heavy fire.

After a few rounds, there were barely a few Evolved zombies left.

By this time, the battle had taken its toll on both sides, and the zombies retreated while abandoning the corpses of their comrades.

After they had gained intelligence, it had become harder to deal with them. They learned how to preserve their forces. As long as not too many Evolved zombies perished in their charges, it was possible to obtain even more cannon fodder. Furthermore, numbers were their advantage.

As the zombies retreated slightly, a burly man with short blue hair and good looks walked into a living room. He was exhausted and as he sat down on the sofa, he immediately shut his eyes.

Another young man walked in with a document, however, he stopped momentarily when seeing the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man asked slowly, "Zano, what’s the matter?"

The younger officer hesitated a moment, before replying, "Your Majesty, our expeditionary force had been defeated by the Chinese forces. Gief had submitted."

The middle-aged man with blue hair was precisely the current Emperor of Russia, Andras.

When he heard this, Andras opened his eyes, which flashed with a fiery glint, as he turned to Zano sharply, "How did he lose?"

"The Chinese made use of this weapon."

Zano opened up his handheld computer and showing a scene where the Sky Fortress slaughtered the Russian forces.

Andras’s face turned incredibly ugly, as he snarled, "Damn Kingdom of God! They kept this information from us!! We’ve been had by those bastards!"

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