It's Not Easy to Be a Man After Travelling to the Future

Chapter 860 - A Difficult Victory!

Chapter 860: A Difficult Victory!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Right as Ling Lan finished speaking, a bang was heard.

A loud explosion sound rang through the air as He’er Li’s mecha began to explode in mid-air. In that instant, a 3 meter long and 2 meter in wide oval object flew out of the fire and explosion.

Ling Lan aim her beam gun at the oval object and pulled down the trigger without any hesitation.

It was the cockpit! In the instant of the explosion, He’er Li actually managed to eject his cockpit from his mecha and live. His skill in mecha piloting along with his fearless attitude was proof of his capabilities.

Ling Lan was not going to allow such a strong enemy to get away from her. Ling Lan’s personality was like this. She would either not do it or do it all the way by killing her opponent and getting rid of any possible future problems. The nurturing she got in the learning space for more than 20 years finally nurtured a ruthless side out of Ling Lan.


The beam hit the cockpit, and it exploded once again. Ling Lan however did not relax, and instead became even more stern. She began to frown because she didn’t think that the Hailiyan mecha operators would be willing to sacrifice their lives by blocking her shots from hitting their regiment commander. They used their lives in exchange for the life of their regiment commander. Their sacrifice saved the unprotected cockpit that could be destroyed with one hit.

Ling Lan decisively started shooting again. The beam gun in her hand was wildly shooting bullets and countless beams were slowly closing in on the cockpit on the ground.

“Bang, bang, bang...” But before the beams could hit the cockpit, they were all intercepted by Hailiya’s mecha operators. In order to intercept these beams, they even stopped caring about their own battle. They would rather be hit by their opponents to save their regiment commander.

However, Ling Lan’s beam attacks were not completely intercepted. In the end, there were still 4 beams shots that had gone past those mecha operators and were going straight for the cockpit.

He’er Li, who was laying in the cockpit and holding on to dear life, heard the cockpit’s optical supercomputer begin to warn him with the locked-on alarm once again. He had a look of despair on his face. He knew that with his cockpit’s current condition, even one beam was enough to turn him into dust, not to mention four.

“Bang!” One mecha suddenly flew up from behind the cockpit without caring for his life to face directly against the four beam. The immense energy from the beams caused the mecha to immediately explode, creating countless debris which fell onto the ground. Right after the explosion, a captain level Hailiyan mecha with three flowers on its chest plate, grabbed the cockpit and quickly flew towards their back-line.

At the same time, the Hailiyan mecha operators received Ni Duola’s orders to begin attacking the Federation with all their might. This made those mecha operator from the Federation unable to have any time to chase down He’er Li. As for He’er Li’s Hela Ace Mecha Clan, they didn’t even need the orders. They immediately intercepted those from the Federation without any regards for their lives, creating an impenetrable wall of mechas to safeguard the captain who saved their regiment commander.

Even if Ling Lan wanted to chase him down, she would perhaps be held back by the wall.

Knowing this, Ling Lan could only put down her beam gun regrettably. She watched as He’er Li successfully get away from her. Although she couldn’t kill the regiment commander, the scene of their regiment commander being forced to eject his cockpit and needing sacrifices from his subordinate to get away would still affect the morale of Hailiya’s forces. Hela Ace Mecha Clan also no longer had the desire to fight. Just like that, Hailiya’s forces continued to fight as they retreated out of Base 013’s territory.

Ling Lan led all of her mecha operators to continue to chase them towards the outer border of the base and then ordered them to stop chasing.

After losing the connection with satellites, Little Four couldn’t confirm whether Hailiya’s forces had anything else up their sleeves. Faced with an area that should couldn’t completely control, Ling Lan didn’t want to take the risk in the case they get ambushed. Plus, although Base 013 had won this battle, the price they had paid for this victory was still heavy. They had almost lost three teams of mecha operators. For Ling Lan, this battle was a hard fought battle. If she didn’t accidentally defeat the enemy’s strongest mecha operator which brought down Hailiyan army’s morale, then victor of this battle would still be unknown.

The large amount of injuries and deaths made Ling Lan feel sad. She immediately ordered everyone to do a search and rescue. The mecha operators who were shot down would have a higher chance of living the earlier they were saved. This was also one of the reasons why Ling Lan was willing to give up on chasing the enemy.

“All uninjured mecha operators work on search and rescue!” Ling Lan ordered coldly.

“Yes, sir!” The mecha operators replied with surprise.

Normally after a battle, they would return to the base and rest. A search and rescue was usually the responsibility of the logistics department which had nothing to do with them. They didn’t think that Base 013’s new commanding officer would actually order all of the mecha operators do a search and rescue. This made them feel comforted about the thoughtfulness of Ling Lan which immensely improved their impression of Ling Lan. After all, no knew who the next mecha operator that would be shot down would be. It could be someone else or themselves. When the injured are rescued by so many more people, perhaps, the ones doing the rescuing would be the ones needing the rescue next time.

Right as the mecha operators began to do a search and rescue, they saw a convoy suddenly came out from the base. It was a group of medic uniformed soldiers and logistics personnel. The logistics personnel were busy transporting items. Some were on logistics mechas and began to build something. Not long after, a simple temporary surgery treatment room had been built.

The base’s logistics department managed to build an emergency surgery treatment room on the battlefield only 10 minutes after the battle. This sight was before seen in Base 013. Every mecha operator knew sending severely injured and near-death patients to the treatment room right after the battle was without a doubt the best course of action. This time, they not only looked at Ling Lan with a warm feeling in their hearts, but also respect. These mecha operators knew that all of this was brought to them by their Regiment Commander Ling.

Right then, two special class mechas slowly landed. The cockpit suddenly opened and two mecha operators jumped out from it. They quickly ran towards the temporary surgery treatment room. They took off their mecha operator’s protective vest as they ran. These two were Li Shiyu and Luo Chao who had quietly taken the cockpits of the Federation mecha operators, who were on the brink of death, from the battlefield.

After reaching the door of the treatment room, they saw a familiar silhouette. That person was standing there while holding white cloaks in her hands. Seeing Li Shiyu and Luo Chao arrive, that person hand them the cloaks in her hands.

“Hey, Xuya, you’re here too?” Luo Chao shouted with surprise.

“Yeah, wherever needs me, I will be there. Now we’re just waiting for you two.” Smiled Han Xuya.

Li Shiyu nodded towards Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu was the most talented eastern medic in the logistics department. If Luo Chao or Han Xuya were busy, Li Shiyu would have him as his assistant. It seemed that Lin Zhong-qing, who was in charge of the base, knew what was needed in his department. He didn’t waste Zhou Yu’s talents and sent him to assist them. However, the logistics department of 250 were all talented. Any one of the individuals in it could take the role of an emergency medic, so Li Shiyu was not afraid that he would not get someone to boss around.

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